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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing A, D, F, G, I, N and U

CONFIGURATEDconfigurated v. Simple past tense and past participle of configurate.
CONFIGURATE v. to shape, arrange.
DISFAVOURINGdisfavouring v. Present participle of disfavour.
DISFAVOUR v. to disesteem, also DISFAVOR.
DISFEATURINGdisfeaturing v. Present participle of disfeature.
DISFEATURE v. to deprive of features; to mar the features of, also DEFEATURE.
DRAGONFRUITSdragonfruits n. Plural of dragonfruit.
dragon␣fruits n. Plural of dragon fruit.
FAULTFINDINGfaultfinding n. Excessive or petty criticism.
faultfinding adj. Tending to find fault.
fault-finding n. Alternative form of faultfinding.
FINGERGUARDSfingerguards n. Plural of fingerguard.
FINGERGUARD n. the crosspiece of a sword-handle.
FLUORIDATINGfluoridating v. Present participle of fluoridate.
FLUORIDATE v. to add fluoride to drinking water.
FUNDRAISINGSfundraisings n. Plural of fundraising.
FUNDRAISING n. the act of raising funds.
FUNGICIDALLYfungicidally adv. In a fungicidal manner; as a fungicide.
FUNGICIDAL adv. having the properties of a fungicide.
GLANDIFEROUSglandiferous adj. Bearing acorns or other nuts.
GLANDIFEROUS adj. bearing acorns or nuts.
LIFEGUARDINGlifeguarding n. The occupation of a lifeguard.
LIFEGUARD v. to serve as a lifeguard.
SAFEGUARDINGsafeguarding v. Present participle of safeguard.
safeguarding n. Synonym of protection.
safeguarding n. (UK, Ireland, formal) Policies and actions for the protection of children and vulnerable adults.
SURFBOARDINGsurfboarding v. Present participle of surfboard.
SURFBOARDING n. the sport of surfing on a surfboard.
TRANSFIGUREDtransfigured v. Simple past tense and past participle of transfigure.
TRANSFIGURE v. to give a new and typically exalted or spiritual appearance to.
UNFADINGNESSunfadingness n. The quality of being unfading; permanence.
UNFADINGNESS n. the state of being unfading.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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