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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing A, C, N, R, 2S and V

CONSERVATISEconservatise v. To make or become conservative.
CONSERVATISE v. to grow conservative, also CONSERVATIZE.
CONSERVATISMconservatism n. A political philosophy that advocates traditional values.
conservatism n. A risk-averse attitude or approach.
CONSERVATISM n. the principles and policies of a Conservative party.
CONSERVATORSconservators n. Plural of conservator.
CONSERVATOR n. one that preserves from injury or violation.
CONVERSANCESconversances n. Plural of conversance.
CONVERSANCE n. the state of being conversant, also CONVERSANCY.
CRAVENNESSEScravennesses n. Plural of cravenness.
CRAVENNESS n. the state of being craven.
CREATIVENESScreativeness n. The state of being creative; creativity.
CREATIVENESS n. the state of being creative.
CURATIVENESScurativeness n. The quality of being curative.
CURATIVENESS n. the property of being curative.
DISSEVERANCEdisseverance n. The act of dissevering; separation.
INCRASSATIVEincrassative n. A substance which has the power to thicken; formerly, a medicine supposed to thicken the humours.
incrassative adj. Having the quality of thickening; tending to thicken.
INCRASSATIVE n. a drug used to incrassate, thicken the humours.
OBSERVANCIESobservancies n. Plural of observancy.
OBSERVANCY n. the keeping of a customary practice, rite, or ceremony, also OBSERVANCE.
OVERCASTINGSovercastings n. Plural of overcasting.
OVERCASTING n. stitches sewn over a raw edge.
OVERISSUANCEoverissuance n. Excessive issuance.
OVERISSUANCE n. excessive issuance.
REACTIVENESSreactiveness n. The quality or state of being reactive.
REACTIVENESS n. the state of being reactive.
SCAVENGERIESSCAVENGERY n. the act of scavenging.
SCREENSAVERSscreensavers n. Plural of screensaver.
screen-savers n. Plural of screen-saver.
screen␣savers n. Plural of screen saver.
TRANSCEIVERStransceivers n. Plural of transceiver.
TRANSCEIVER n. a radio transmitterreceiver that uses many of the same components for both transmission and reception.
VERTICALNESSverticalness n. The property of being vertical.
VERTICALNESS n. the state of being vertical.
VINDICATRESSvindicatress n. A female vindicator; a woman who vindicates.
VINDICATRESS n. a female vindicator.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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