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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing A, C, M, 2R and 2T

BUTTERCREAMSbuttercreams n. Plural of buttercream.
butter␣creams n. Plural of butter cream.
BUTTERCREAM n. a kind of cream.
CIRCUMROTATEcircumrotate v. (Intransitive) To revolve.
CIRCUMROTATE v. to rotate as a wheel.
CRYPTARITHMScryptarithms n. Plural of cryptarithm.
CRYPTARITHM n. an arithmetic problem in which letters have been substituted for numbers and which is solved by finding all possible pairings of digits with letters that produce a numerically correct answer.
MATRIARCHATEmatriarchate n. A matriarchal system or community.
matriarchate n. The position of a matriarch.
MATRIARCHATE n. a matriarchy.
MATRICULATORmatriculator n. Someone who matriculates, an enroller on a course, especially for a school.
MATRICULATOR n. one who matriculates.
MERITOCRATICmeritocratic adj. Pertaining to a meritocracy.
MERITOCRATIC adj. relating to meritocracy.
MOTHERCRAFTSMOTHERCRAFT n. the craft of being a mother.
RETRACEMENTSretracements n. Plural of retracement.
RETRACEMENT n. the act of retracing.
SCATTERGRAMSscattergrams n. Plural of scattergram.
SCATTERGRAM n. a scatter diagram, a graph plotting two variables, with axes at right angles to one another.
STRETCHMARKSstretchmarks n. Plural of stretchmark.
stretch␣marks n. Plural of stretch mark.
STRETCHMARKS n. marks left by pregnancy.
TETRADRACHMAtetradrachma n. Alternative form of tetradrachm.
tetradrachma n. Plural of tetradrachmon.
TETRADRACHMStetradrachms n. Plural of tetradrachm.
TETRADRACHM n. (Greek) a unit of Greek currency.
TETRAMORPHICtetramorphic adj. Having four forms.
tetramorphic adj. Relating to a tetramorph.
TETRAMORPHIC adj. having four forms.
TRICHROMATICtrichromatic adj. Involving three colours.
trichromatic adj. Able to perceive three primary colours.
TRICHROMATIC adj. pertaining to or in three colors; having normal color vision, also TRICHROME.
TRIGRAMMATICtrigrammatic adj. Containing three letters or characters, or three sets of letters or characters.
TRIGRAMMATIC adj. relating to a trigram, also TRIGRAMMIC.
TROCHEAMETERtrocheameter n. (Historical) A device attached to the wheel of a cart, carriage, etc. to measure distance travelled.
TROCHEAMETER n. a hodometer, also TROCHOMETER.
TRUCKMASTERStruckmasters n. Plural of truckmaster.
TRUCKMASTER n. an officer in charge of trade with American Indians esp. among the early settlers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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