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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, C, L, P, T and 2U

ACUPUNCTURALacupunctural adj. Relating to acupuncture.
ACUPUNCTURAL adj. relating to acupuncture.
APICULTURISTapiculturist n. Beekeeper.
APICULTURIST n. a beekeeper.
DUPLICATURESduplicatures n. Plural of duplicature.
DUPLICATURE n. a doubling, anything doubled.
EPICUTICULARepicuticular adj. Relating to the epicuticle.
EPICUTICULAR adj. relating to the epicuticle.
EUCALYPTUSESeucalyptuses n. Plural of eucalyptus.
EUCALYPTUS n. a large Australian tree, also EUCALYPT.
EUPHUISTICALeuphuistical adj. Euphuistic.
EUPHUISTICAL adj. characterised by euphuism, also EUPHUISTIC.
PAUCILOQUENTpauciloquent adj. Using few words when speaking.
PAUCILOQUENT adj. of few words; speaking little.
PEDUNCULATEDpedunculated adj. Alternative form of pedunculate.
PEDUNCULATED adj. having a peduncle or stalk, also PEDUNCULATE.
PERMACULTUREpermaculture n. (Agriculture) Any system of sustainable agriculture that renews natural resources and enriches local ecosystems.
permaculture n. The design, installation and maintenance of indefinitely sustainable human communities set in balanced…
PERMACULTURE n. a system of self-sustaining natural agriculture.
PUNCTUALISTSpunctualists n. Plural of punctualist.
PUNCTUALIST n. (obsolete) an authority on or observer of punctilios.
PUNCTULATINGpunctulating v. Present participle of punctulate.
PUNCTULATE v. to mark with small dots.
PUNCTULATIONpunctulation n. The quality of being punctulate.
PUNCTULATION n. the state of having small spots.
RECEPTACULUMreceptaculum n. (Anatomy) A receptacle.
RECEPTACULUM n. (Latin) a receptacle.
SCULPTURALLYsculpturally adv. In terms of, or by means of, sculpture.
SCULPTURAL adv. of or relating to sculpture.
STIPULACEOUSstipulaceous adj. (Botany) stipular; of or relating to stipules.
STIPULACEOUS adj. having stipules.
SUBDUPLICATEsubduplicate adj. (Mathematics) Expressed by the square root; said of ratios.
SUBDUPLICATE adj. expressed by a square root.
SUPRACRUSTALSUPRACRUSTAL adj. of rocks, on or near the surface, above the earth's crust.
UNCAPTURABLEuncapturable adj. Not capturable; not able to be captured.
UNCAPTURABLE adj. that cannot be captured.
UNDUPLICATEDunduplicated adj. Not duplicated.
unduplicated v. Simple past tense and past participle of unduplicate.
UNDUPLICATED adj. not duplicated.
UNSCRIPTURALunscriptural adj. Not scriptural.
UNSCRIPTURAL adj. not scriptural.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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