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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing A, C, 3L, N and O

ANALOGICALLYanalogically adv. In an analogical manner; in the manner of an analogy.
ANALOGICAL adv. of or belonging to analogy, also ANALOGIC.
CITRONELLALScitronellals n. Plural of citronellal.
CITRONELLAL n. a colourless aldehyde with a lemon scent, present in citronella and other essential oils.
CLOXACILLINScloxacillins n. Plural of cloxacillin.
CLOXACILLIN n. a penicillin-type antibiotic used to treat infections by staphylococcal bacteria.
COLLEMBOLANScollembolans n. Plural of collembolan.
COLLEMBOLAN n. a springtail, any one of numerous species of small apterous insects belonging to the order Thysanura.
CONTROLLABLEcontrollable adj. Able to be controlled; subject to regulation or command.
controllable n. (Business) Any factor that can be controlled.
CONTROLLABLE adj. able to be controlled.
CONTROLLABLYcontrollably adv. In a controllable manner.
CONTROLLABLE adv. able to be controlled.
COUNSELLABLEcounsellable adj. (Obsolete) Willing to receive counsel or follow advice.
counsellable adj. (Obsolete) advisable; prudent.
COUNSELLABLE adj. able to be counselled, also COUNSELABLE.
CYCLONICALLYcyclonically adv. In a cyclonic fashion.
CYCLONICAL adv. of or like a cyclone, a circular storm, also CYCLONIC.
INTERLOCALLYinterlocally adv. Between localities.
LAMELLICORNSlamellicorns n. Plural of lamellicorn.
LAMELLICORN n. a scarab or other beetle with leaf-tipped antennae.
LANCEOLATELYlanceolately adv. In a lanceolate manner.
LANCEOLATE adv. shaped like a lance-head, also LANCEOLATED.
LIMNOLOGICALlimnological adj. Of or pertaining to limnology.
LIMNOLOGICAL adj. relating to limnology, the study of bodies of fresh water, also LIMNOLOGIC.
LOCATIONALLYlocationally adv. In terms of location.
LOCATIONAL adv. relating to location.
MELANCHOLILYmelancholily adv. In a melancholy manner.
MELANCHOLY adv. sad, gloomy.
MONOCLINALLYmonoclinally adv. (Geology) In a monoclinal manner.
MONOCLINAL adv. relating to a monocline.
NEOLOGICALLYneologically adv. In a neological manner.
NEOLOGICAL adv. of or pertaining to neology; employing new words, also NEOLOGIC.
NONLOGICALLYnonlogically adv. Without logic.
NONLOGICAL adv. not logical.
PLATONICALLYplatonically adv. In a platonic manner.
PLATONIC adv. not erotic.
VOLCANICALLYvolcanically adv. By means of a volcano.
volcanically adv. (Figurative) In a volcanic (explosive) manner.
VOLCANIC adv. of or like a volcano, also VULCANIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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