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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing A, C, I, 2O, T and Z

CANONIZATIONcanonization n. (Christianity) The final process or decree (following beatification) by which the name of a deceased…
canonization n. The state of being canonized or sainted.
canonization n. Introduction into a canon of artistic or literary works.
CHORIZATIONSCHORIZATION n. the multiplication of parts etc. by splitting, also CHORISATION.
CLOTRIMAZOLEclotrimazole n. (Organic chemistry, pharmacology) An antifungal medication used to treat humans and animals, C22H17
COLONIZATIONcolonization n. The process of establishing a colony.
colonization n. (Social sciences) The process of colonizing or taking over.
COLONIZATION n. the act of colonizing, also COLONISATION.
COLORIZATIONcolorization n. An electronic process that adds color to black and white movies.
CORPORATIZEDcorporatized v. Simple past tense and past participle of corporatize.
CORPORATIZE v. to make corporate, also CORPORATISE.
CORPORATIZEScorporatizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of corporatize.
CORPORATIZE v. to make corporate, also CORPORATISE.
CREOLIZATIONcreolization n. (Linguistics) the process of a pidgin rapidly expanding its vocabulary and grammatical rules, ultimately…
creolization n. (Trinidad and Tobago) of Indo-Trinidadians, the process of assimilation into the dominant Creole culture.
CREOLIZATION n. the development of a pidgin into a creole, also CREOLISATION.
ENZOOTICALLYenzootically adv. In an enzootic manner.
ENZOOTIC adv. of a disease, affecting the animals of a district, corresponding to an endemic disease among human beings.
FOCALIZATIONfocalization n. (Literature) The perspective through which a narrative is presented.
focalization n. (Optics) Putting into focus.
FOCALIZATION n. the act of focalizing, also FOCALISATION.
LOCALIZATIONlocalization n. The act of localizing.
localization n. (Software engineering) The act, process, or result of making a product suitable for use in a particular…
localization n. (Translation studies, chiefly software, marketing) The act, process, or result of adapting translated…
RHIZOCTONIASRHIZOCTONIA n. any of a genus of imperfect fungi that includes major plant pathogens.
SPERMATOZOICspermatozoic adj. (Cytology) Of or pertaining to spermatozoa; of the nature of spermatozoa.
SPERMATOZOIC adj. of or like a spermatozoon, a male sex cell.
VOCALIZATIONvocalization n. The act of vocalizing or something vocalized; a vocal utterance.
vocalization n. Any specific mode of utterance; pronunciation.
vocalization n. The use of speech to express an idea.
ZOOSPERMATICZOOSPERMATIC adj. of or like a zoosperm.
ZOOTECHNICALzootechnical adj. Of or pertaining to zootechny.
ZOOTECHNICAL adj. of or relating to the technology of animal husbandry.
ZOOTOMICALLYzootomically adv. In terms of zootomy.
ZOOTOMICAL adv. relating to zootomy, the dissection of animals, also ZOOTOMIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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