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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing A, C, I, N, 2R and V

CARAVANSARAIcaravansarai n. Alternative spelling of caravanserai.
CARAVANSARAI n. a kind of unfurnished inn or extensive enclosed courtyard where caravans stop, also CARAVANSARY, CARAVANSERAI.
CARAVANSERAIcaravanserai n. A roadside inn having a central courtyard where caravans can rest.
caravanserai n. (Humorous) An upscale hotel.
caravanserai n. A home or shelter for caravans.
CHARIVARIINGCHARIVARI v. to perform such a serenade, also CHIVAREE, CHIVARI.
CONSERVATRIXconservatrix n. A female conservator.
CONSERVATRIX n. a female conservator.
CORRIVALLINGcorrivalling v. Present participle of corrival.
CORRIVAL v. to rival, also CORIVAL.
INCURVATURESincurvatures n. Plural of incurvature.
INCURVATURE n. the state of being incurved.
IRRELEVANCESirrelevances n. Plural of irrelevance.
IRRELEVANCE n. the state of being irrelevant, also IRRELEVANCY.
ONCORNAVIRUSoncornavirus n. Any of a group of RNA viruses, of the subfamily Oncornvirinae in the family Retroviridae, that cause…
ONCORNAVIRUS n. an oncogenic RNA virus.
OVERCARRYINGovercarrying v. Present participle of overcarry.
OVERCARRY v. to carry too far.
OVERCHARGINGovercharging n. The act or process of charging excessively.
overcharging v. Present participle of overcharge.
OVERCHARGING n. the making of an excessive charge.
OVERCLEARINGoverclearing v. Present participle of overclear.
OVERCLEAR v. to clear to excess.
OVERCRAMMINGovercramming v. Present participle of overcram.
OVERCRAMMING n. the act of cramming to excess.
OVERREACHINGoverreaching v. Present participle of overreach.
overreaching n. Deception.
OVERREACH v. to reach beyond, to overtake.
OVERREACTINGoverreacting v. Present participle of overreact.
OVERREACT v. to react or respond excessively.
OVERREACTIONoverreaction n. A reaction that is excessive.
OVERREACTION n. excessive reaction.
OVERRELIANCEoverreliance n. Excessive reliance.
over-reliance n. Alternative form of overreliance.
OVERRELIANCE n. an excessive reliance.
PICORNAVIRUSpicornavirus n. Any of the family Picornaviridae of RNA viruses, many of which are pathogenic, causing diseases such…
PICORNAVIRUS n. one of a group of very small RNA viruses, including Cocksackle virus.
TRANSCEIVERStransceivers n. Plural of transceiver.
TRANSCEIVER n. a radio transmitterreceiver that uses many of the same components for both transmission and reception.
TURACOVERDINturacoverdin n. (Organic chemistry) A green pigment found in the feathers of the turacou.
TURACOVERDIN n. an iron-based pigment in turaco feathers, the only pure green pigment found in birds.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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