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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing A, C, I, M, R, T and Z

ACCLIMATIZERacclimatizer n. An agent that acclimatizes itself or others.
ACCLIMATIZER n. one who acclimatizes.
ACHROMATIZEDachromatized v. Simple past tense and past participle of achromatize.
ACHROMATIZE v. to make achromatic, also ACHROMATISE.
ACHROMATIZESachromatizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of achromatize.
ACHROMATIZE v. to make achromatic, also ACHROMATISE.
CLOTRIMAZOLEclotrimazole n. (Organic chemistry, pharmacology) An antifungal medication used to treat humans and animals, C22H17
DEMOCRATIZEDdemocratized v. Simple past tense and past participle of democratize.
DEMOCRATIZE v. to make democratic, also DEMOCRATISE.
DEMOCRATIZERdemocratizer n. One who democratizes.
DEMOCRATIZER n. one who democratizes, also DEMOCRATISER.
DEMOCRATIZESdemocratizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of democratize.
DEMOCRATIZE v. to make democratic, also DEMOCRATISE.
GRAMMATICIZEgrammaticize v. Synonym of grammaticalize (“to make grammatical”).
grammaticize v. Synonym of grammaticalize (“to to cause (something) to be required by the rules of grammar”).
grammaticize v. Synonym of grammaticalize (“to cause to undergo grammaticization/grammaticalization”).
PARCHMENTIZEparchmentize v. (Transitive) To convert to a parchment-like substance, especially by sulfuric acid.
PARCHMENTIZE v. to make like parchment, e.g. by treating with sulphuric acid, also PARCHMENTISE.
RACEMIZATIONracemization n. (Chemistry) The formation of a racemate from a pure enantiomer.
RACEMIZATION n. a change into a racemic form, also RACEMISATION.
ROMANTICIZEDromanticized v. Simple past tense and past participle of romanticize.
romanticized adj. Interpreted in an unrealistic, idealized fashion.
ROMANTICIZE v. to make romantic, also ROMANTICISE.
ROMANTICIZESromanticizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of romanticize.
ROMANTICIZE v. to make romantic, also ROMANTICISE.
SPERMATOZOICspermatozoic adj. (Cytology) Of or pertaining to spermatozoa; of the nature of spermatozoa.
SPERMATOZOIC adj. of or like a spermatozoon, a male sex cell.
ZOOSPERMATICZOOSPERMATIC adj. of or like a zoosperm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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