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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, C, I, 2M, P and R

AMPEROMETRICamperometric adj. (Chemistry, physics) That involves measurement of an electric current during a process such as titration.
AMPEROMETRIC adj. relating to a chemical titration utilizing electric current for detecting the end point.
CAMPIMETRIESCAMPIMETRY n. a technique for assessing the central part of the visual field.
CAMPODEIFORMcampodeiform adj. (Zoology) Of, pertaining to, or resembling an insect or larva of the genus Campodea.
CAMPODEIFORM adj. of or resembling the Campodeidae, certain six-legged, hard-bodied active insect larvae.
CLAMJAMPHRIEclamjamphrie n. (Scotland) Alternative spelling of clanjamphry.
CLAMJAMPHRIE n. (Scots) rubbish, nonsense, also CLAMJAMFRY, CLANJAMFRAY.
CLOMIPRAMINEclomipramine n. (Pharmacology) A tricyclic, heterocyclic drug used to treat depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
COMPRIMARIOScomprimarios n. Plural of comprimario.
COMPRIMARIO n. in opera or ballet, a role of secondary importance; a singer or dancer playing such a role.
CUPRAMMONIUMcuprammonium n. (Inorganic chemistry) Synonym of cuproammonium.
CUPRAMMONIUM n. a solution of cupric hydroxide in ammonia.
EMPYREUMATICempyreumatic adj. (Obsolete, chemistry) Characteristic of empyreuma.
EMPYREUMATIC adj. relating to empyreuma, also EMPYREUMATICAL.
EPIGRAMMATICepigrammatic adj. Having the characteristics of an epigram.
epigrammatic adj. Containing or using epigrams.
EPIGRAMMATIC adj. of, relating to, or resembling an epigram, also EPIGRAMMATICAL.
IMPERMANENCEimpermanence n. Lack of permanence or continued duration.
impermanence n. The quality or state of being impermanent.
impermanence n. (Buddhism) Anicca, the doctrine which asserts that all of conditioned existence is transient.
IMPERMANENCYimpermanency n. Alternative form of impermanence.
IMPERMANENCY n. the state of being impermanent, also IMPERMANENCE.
MAMMOGRAPHICmammographic adj. Of, or pertaining to, mammography.
mammographic adj. Produced using a mammograph.
MAMMOGRAPHIC adj. relating to mammography.
METEMPIRICALmetempirical adj. Alternative form of metempiric.
METEMPIRICAL adj. transcending but associated with empirical knowledge, also METEMPIRIC.
MICROAMPERESmicroamperes n. Plural of microampere.
MICROAMPERE n. a millionth of an ampere.
MICROPAYMENTmicropayment n. (Economics) A financial transaction for a very small amount of money.
MICROPAYMENT n. payment of a small or prorated sum for each access to a service, esp. on the Internet (as opposed to payment by subscription, etc.).
MICROPROGRAMmicroprogram n. (Computing) a set of microinstructions in a CPU, used to implement machine instructions.
microprogram v. (Computing) to manually write a microprogram.
MICROPROGRAM n. a routine composed of microinstructions used in microprogramming.
PHONOGRAMMICphonogrammic adj. Of or relating to phonograms.
PHONOGRAMMIC adj. like a phonogram, a character representing a sound, also PHONOGRAMIC.
PRAGMATICISMpragmaticism n. A Peircean philosophy based on strict logic, the immutability of truth, the reality of infinity, and…
PRAGMATICISM n. the philosophic doctrine of C. S. Peirce.
PROGRAMMATICprogrammatic adj. Of, relating to, or using a step-by-step program, especially a computer program.
programmatic adj. (Music) Of, or relating to program music.
PROGRAMMATIC adj. relating to program music.
SUPREMACISMSsupremacisms n. Plural of supremacism.
SUPREMACISM n. belief in the supremacy of one particular group of people.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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