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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing A, C, I, L and 3T

ANTICATALYSTanticatalyst n. Any substance that inhibits the activity of a catalyst.
ANTICATALYST n. a substance that destroys or diminishes the activity of a catalyst.
ANTICLOTTINGanticlotting adj. (Pharmacology) Acting to reduce or prevent the formation of blood clots.
ANTICLOTTING adj. serving to prevent clots.
ANTITHETICALantithetical adj. Pertaining to antithesis, or opposition of words and sentiments; containing, or of the nature of, antithesis;…
ANTITHETICAL adj. relating to antithesis, also ANTITHETIC.
ATTRACTINGLYattractingly adv. In such a way as to attract.
ATTRACTING adv. ATTRACT, to cause to approach or adhere.
ATTRACTIVELYattractively adv. In an attractive manner; with the power of attracting or drawing to.
ATTRACTIVE adv. having or relating to the power to attract.
CLARINETTISTclarinettist n. Alternative spelling of clarinetist.
CLARINETTIST n. one who plays the clarinet, also CLARINETIST.
METATHETICALmetathetical adj. (Linguistics) Exhibiting metathesis.
METATHETICAL adj. relating to metathesis, also METATHETIC.
MULTICOSTATEmulticostate adj. Having multiple ribs.
MULTICOSTATE adj. having many ribs.
RETINOTECTALretinotectal adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the retina and the optic tectum.
RETINOTECTAL adj. of, relating to, or being the nerve fibers connecting the retina and the tectum of the midbrain.
RETRACTILITYretractility n. The quality of being retractile.
RETRACTILITY n. the state of being retractile.
STRATICULATEstraticulate adj. (Geology) Said of sedimentary rock exhibiting thin layers, whether or not they control how the rock…
STRATICULATE adj. composed of parallel strata.
TACTUALITIEStactualities n. Plural of tactuality.
TACTUALITY n. tactual quality.
TELAESTHETICTELAESTHETIC adj. relating to telaesthesia, the perception of events or objects not actually present or near, also TELESTHETIC.
TENTACULITEStentaculites n. Plural of tentaculite.
Tentaculites prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Tentaculitidae – certain extinct conical fossils.
TENTACULITE n. a ringed conical Silurian fossil.
TESTICULATEDtesticulated adj. Alternative form of testiculate.
TESTICULATED adj. like a testicle, esp. in shape, also TESTICULATE.
TETRACTINALSTETRACTINAL n. a sponge spicule having four rays, also TETRACTINE.
TETRASTICHALtetrastichal adj. In the form of a tetrastich.
TETRASTICHAL adj. of or like a tetrastich, also TETRASTICHIC.
TRACTABILITYtractability n. The state of being tractable or docile; docility; tractableness.
TRACTABILITY n. the state of being tractable, also TRACTABLENESS.
TRACTILITIESTRACTILITY n. the state of being tractile.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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