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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing A, C, 3I, R and U

AILUROPHILICailurophilic adj. Of or relating to ailurophilia or ailurophiles.
AILUROPHILIC adj. loving cats, also AILOUROPHILIC.
ANTIDIURETICantidiuretic n. (Physiology, medicine) an agent that prevents or counteracts diuresis.
antidiuretic adj. Preventing or counteracting diuresis, especially by the reduction of urination.
ANTIDIURETIC n. a drug inhibiting the formation of urine.
ANTIPRURITICantipruritic n. (Pharmacology, dermatology) a medical agent that stops itching.
ANTIPRURITIC adj. alleviating itching.
ANTIPRURITIC n. a drug used to relieve itching.
CURABILITIEScurabilities n. Plural of curability.
CURABILITY n. the ability to be cured.
INCURABILITYincurability n. The quality or state of being incurable—not being able to be cured.
INCURABILITY n. the state of being incurable.
IRACUNDITIESIRACUNDITY n. the state of being iracund, easily angered.
JUSTICIARIESjusticiaries n. Plural of justiciary.
JUSTICIARY n. an old name for the judges of the higher English courts, also JUSTICER, JUSTICIAR.
MUSICIANLIERMUSICIANLY adj. like a musician.
PURIFICATIONpurification n. The act or process of purifying; the removal of impurities.
purification n. A religious act or rite in which a defiled person is made clean or free from sin.
purification n. (Christianity) The pouring of wine into the chalice to rinse it after communion, the wine being then…
PURIFICATIVEpurificative adj. Having power to purify or cleanse.
PURIFICATIVE adj. serving to purify, also PURIFICATORY.
TRICHURIASIStrichuriasis n. (Medicine) A parasitic disease caused by infection of the large intestine by a whipworm.
TRICHURIASIS n. infection of the large intestine with the whipworm Trichuris trichiura, resulting in anaemia, weakness, etc.
UNARTIFICIALunartificial adj. Not artificial.
UNARTIFICIAL adj. not artificial.
UNCINARIASISuncinariasis n. Hookworm disease.
UNCINARIASIS n. infestation of the small intestine by hookworm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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