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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing A, C, H, 2N, P and S

ANCHORPERSONanchorperson n. The primary reporter on a television news broadcast.
ANCHORPERSON n. an anchorman or anchorwoman.
APOCYNTHIONSAPOCYNTHION n. the point at which a spacecraft in lunar orbit is furthest from the moon.
CATCHPENNIEScatchpennies n. Plural of catchpenny.
CATCHPENNY n. a worthless thing made only for profit.
CTENOPHORANSctenophorans n. Plural of ctenophoran.
CTENOPHORAN n. a member of the Ctenophora, transparent, free-swimming marine organisms resembling jellyfishes, also CTENOPHORE.
ENCEPHALINESENCEPHALINE n. a chemical found in small quantities in the brain, which relieves pain, also ENCEPHALIN, ENKEPHALIN, ENKEPHALINE.
FRANCOPHONESfrancophones n. Plural of francophone.
Francophones n. Plural of Francophone.
FRANCOPHONE n. a French speaker.
HAPPENSTANCEhappenstance n. (Uncountable) The chance or random quality of an event or circumstance.
happenstance n. (Countable) A chance or random event or circumstance.
HAPPENSTANCE n. a circumstance esp. that is due to chance, also HAPPENCHANCE.
NONPHYSICALSSorry, definition not available.
NONPHYSICIANnonphysician n. One who is not a physician.
non-physician n. Alternative form of nonphysician.
NONPHYSICIAN n. one who is not a physician.
NONSPHERICALnonspherical adj. Not spherical.
NONSPHERICAL adj. not spherical.
PHONETICIANSphoneticians n. Plural of phonetician.
PHONETICIAN n. a student of phonetics.
PHOTOSCANNEDPHOTOSCAN v. to scan photographically.
PHYCOCYANINSphycocyanins n. Plural of phycocyanin.
PHYCOCYANIN n. any of various bluish-green protein pigments in the cells of cyanobacteria.
SNAPHAUNCHESSNAPHAUNCH n. (obsolete) a freebooter; a flintlock; a spring catch or trap, also SNAPHANCE, SNAPHAUNCE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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