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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing A, C, 2H, 2I and O

AICHMOPHOBIAaichmophobia n. The fear of needles and other pointed or sharp objects.
AICHMOPHOBIA n. an irrational fear of sharp or pointed objects.
CHALCOLITHICchalcolithic adj. Synonym of Eneolithic.
CHALCOLITHIC adj. of or relating to a period characterized by the use of both stone and bronze implements.
CHAMPIONSHIPchampionship n. (Sports) A competition to determine a champion, especially the final of a series of competitions.
championship n. The position of champion, or winner.
championship n. Defense or support of some cause.
CHILIAHEDRONchiliahedron n. (Geometry) A polyhedron bounded by one thousand plane surfaces.
CHILIAHEDRON n. (Greek) a one-thousand sided solid figure.
CHIROGRAPHICchirographic adj. Of or relating to chirography.
CHIROGRAPHIC adj. relating to handwriting, also CHIROGRAPHICAL.
HAEMOPHILIAChaemophiliac n. (British spelling) A person with haemophilia.
hæmophiliac n. (Chiefly British spelling) Alternative spelling of hemophiliac.
HAEMOPHILIAC n. one suffering from haemophilia.
HAGIOGRAPHIChagiographic adj. Of or pertaining to hagiography.
hagiographic adj. (By extension) Uncritically reverent; adulating.
HAGIOGRAPHIC adj. relating to hagiography, also HAGIOGRAPHICAL.
HELIOGRAPHICheliographic adj. Of or pertaining to heliography; transmitted by heliograph.
HELIOGRAPHIC adj. relating to heliography, also HELIOGRAPHICAL.
HEMOPHILIACShemophiliacs n. Plural of hemophiliac.
HEMOPHILIAC n. one affected with hemophilia.
HIEROGRAPHIChierographic adj. Of or relating to sacred writing.
HIEROGRAPHIC adj. related to sacred writing, also HIEROGRAPHICAL.
HIEROPHANTIChierophantic adj. Of or relating to a hierophant.
HIEROPHANTIC adj. of or like a hierophant.
ICHNOGRAPHICichnographic adj. Of or relating to ichnography.
ICHNOGRAPHIC adj. relating to the ichnography, the making of ground plans, also ICHNOGRAPHICAL.
ICHTHYOSAURIichthyosauri n. Plural of ichthyosaur.
ICHTHYOSAURUS n. a large fossil marine reptile, also ICHTHYOSAUR, ICHTHYOSAURIAN.
LITHOGRAPHIClithographic adj. (Printing) Related to the method of lithography.
LITHOGRAPHIC adj. relating to lithography, also LITHOGRAPHICAL.
PHILHARMONICphilharmonic adj. (Music) Appreciative of music, but especially to its performance; devoted to music.
philharmonic n. (Music) A full-size symphony orchestra.
PHILHARMONIC adj. fond of music.
PHOSPHATIDICphosphatidic adj. (Chemistry) Of or pertaining to a phosphatide.
PHOSPHATIDIC adj. in phosphatidic acid, a type of acid.
SCHIZOTHYMIAschizothymia n. (Psychiatry) A temperament characterised by elements of schizophrenia or schizoid personality disorder…
SCHIZOTHYMIA n. schizoid behavior that resembles schizophrenia in the tendency toward autistic thinking but remains within normal limits.
STICHOMYTHIAstichomythia n. (Poetry) A technique in drama or poetry, in which alternating lines, or half-lines, are given to alternating…
STICHOMYTHIA n. dialogue in alternate lines, also STICHOMYTHY.
TECHNOPHILIAtechnophilia n. A love of new technologies.
TECHNOPHILIA n. love of technology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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