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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 11 twelve-letter words containing A, C, G, M, R, S and U

CHAULMOOGRASchaulmoogras n. Plural of chaulmoogra.
CHAULMOOGRA n. a kind of Asian tree, yielding an oil used in the treatment of leprosy, also CHAULMUGRA.
COMMEASURINGcommeasuring v. Present participle of commeasure.
COMMEASURE v. to be commensurate with; to equal.
COMPURGATORScompurgators n. Plural of compurgator.
COMPURGATOR n. one who under oath vouches for the character or conduct of an accused person.
CRYPTOGAMOUScryptogamous adj. Of or pertaining to the cryptogams.
CRYPTOGAMOUS adj. of or like a cryptogam.
GRAMINACEOUSgraminaceous adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling a grass.
GRAMINACEOUS adj. grasslike; pertaining to grass family of plants.
MACROPHAGOUSmacrophagous adj. (Zoology) That feeds on relatively large particles or prey.
MACROPHAGOUS adj. of an animal, feeding on relatively large particles of food.
MEGACHURCHESmegachurches n. Plural of megachurch.
mega-churches n. Plural of mega-church.
MEGACHURCH n. a church, usually Protestant, with a very large congregation, typically housed in a complex offering sophisticated multimedia presentations and a range of secular facilities and services.
MICROPHAGOUSmicrophagous adj. (Zoology) Feeding on small particles.
MICROPHAGOUS adj. of an animal, feeding on small particles of food.
OUTSCREAMINGoutscreaming v. Present participle of outscream.
OUTSCREAM v. to surpass at screaming.
SUBMICROGRAMsubmicrogram adj. Being or relating to a quantity of less than a microgram.
submicrogram n. An amount that is less than a microgram.
SUBMICROGRAM adj. relating to or having a mass of less than one microgram.
UNSCRAMBLINGunscrambling v. Present participle of unscramble.
UNSCRAMBLE v. to separate (as a conglomeration or tangle) into original components.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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