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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing A, C, G, L, P, S and T

CALYPTROGENScalyptrogens n. Plural of calyptrogen.
CALYPTROGEN n. the layer of cells on the growing tip of a root giving rise to the root cap.
CAPITALISINGcapitalising v. Present participle of capitalise.
CAPITALISE v. to write or print with an initial capital or in capitals, also CAPITALIZE.
CARPOLOGISTScarpologists n. Plural of carpologist.
CARPOLOGIST n. a student of carpology, the study of fruits and seeds.
CHAPTALISINGchaptalising v. Present participle of chaptalise.
CHAPTALISE v. to add extra sugar to wine during its fermentation to increase its alcohol content, also CHAPTALIZE.
DISCULPATINGdisculpating v. Present participle of disculpate.
DISCULPATE v. to free from blame.
ESCAPOLOGISTescapologist n. An entertainer skilled in the art of escapology.
ESCAPOLOGIST n. a practitioner of escapology.
PARALOGISTICparalogistic adj. (Logic) Relating to paralogy; fallacious.
PARALOGISTIC adj. of or like paralogism, false reasoning.
PESTOLOGICALpestological adj. Relating to pestology.
PESTOLOGICAL adj. related to pestology, the science of pests.
PLAGIARISTICplagiaristic adj. Characteristic of a plagiarist; of, relating to, or characterized by plagiarism.
PLAGIARISTIC adj. relating to plagiarism.
PLASTICISINGplasticising v. Present participle of plasticise.
PLASTICISE v. to make plastic, also PLASTICIZE.
PLASTICIZINGplasticizing v. Present participle of plasticize.
PLASTICIZE v. to make plastic, also PLASTICISE.
PLECTOGNATHSplectognaths n. Plural of plectognath.
PLECTOGNATH n. any spiny-finned marine fish of the mainly tropical order Plectognathi, that includes puffers, triggerfish, trunkfish and sunfish.
POSTSURGICALpostsurgical adj. Relating to the period following surgery.
POSTSURGICAL adj. taking place after surgery.
SPACEFLIGHTSspaceflights n. Plural of spaceflight.
space␣flights n. Plural of space flight.
SPACEFLIGHT n. flight beyond the earth's atmosphere.
SPHACELATINGsphacelating v. Present participle of sphacelate.
SPHACELATE v. to cause or affect with gangrene or mortification.
SPIFLICATINGspiflicating v. Present participle of spiflicate.
SPIFLICATE v. to overcome or dispose of by violence, also SPIFFLICATE.
STYLOGRAPHICstylographic adj. Pertaining to or designed to be used for stylography; stylographical.
STYLOGRAPHIC adj. relating to stylography, a mode of writing or engraving with a pen, also STYLOGRAPHICAL.
SUPPLICATINGsupplicating v. Present participle of supplicate.
SUPPLICATE v. to entreat for.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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