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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 10 twelve-letter words containing A, C, G, I and 3R

CERARGYRITEScerargyrites n. Plural of cerargyrite.
CERARGYRITE n. a mineral consisting of silver chloride in crystalline form, aka horn silver.
CHIROGRAPHERchirographer n. Alternative form of chirographist.
CHIROGRAPHER n. (obsolete) an official of the Court of Common Pleas.
CROSSBARRINGcrossbarring n. A pattern of lines crossing each other.
CROSSBARRING n. the act of fitting with a crossbar.
FORECARRIAGEforecarriage n. The forward part of the running gear of a four-wheeled carriage.
FORECARRIAGE n. the front part of a carriage, with an arrangement for independent movement of the fore-wheels.
MICROGRAPHERmicrographer n. One who carries out micrography, describing things at the microscopic level.
MICROGRAPHER n. a person who draws or describes microscopic objects.
MICROPROGRAMmicroprogram n. (Computing) a set of microinstructions in a CPU, used to implement machine instructions.
microprogram v. (Computing) to manually write a microprogram.
MICROPROGRAM n. a routine composed of microinstructions used in microprogramming.
OVERCARRYINGovercarrying v. Present participle of overcarry.
OVERCARRY v. to carry too far.
RECHARTERINGrechartering v. Present participle of recharter.
RECHARTER v. to charter again.
REFRACTURINGrefracturing v. Present participle of refracture.
REFRACTURE v. to fracture again.
REPROGRAPHICreprographic adj. Of, relating to, or produced by reprography.
REPROGRAPHIC adj. relating to reprography, the reproduction of graphic or typeset material.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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