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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing A, C, G, H, 2L and P

ANAGLYPHICALanaglyphical adj. Alternative form of anaglyphic.
ANAGLYPHICAL adj. of or like an anaglyph, an ornament in low relief, also ANAGLYPHIC.
CALLIGRAPHEDcalligraphed v. Simple past tense and past participle of calligraph.
CALLIGRAPHERcalligrapher n. One who practices calligraphy.
CALLIGRAPHER n. a professional copyist or engrosser, also CALLIGRAPHIST.
CALLIGRAPHICcalligraphic adj. Of or pertaining to calligraphy.
calligraphic adj. Written in an artistic style or manner, as calligraphy.
CALLIGRAPHIC adj. relating to calligraphy, also CALLIGRAPHICAL.
CEPHALALGIAScephalalgias n. Plural of cephalalgia.
CEPHALALGIA n. head pain.
CEPHALALGICScephalalgics n. Plural of cephalalgic.
CEPHALALGIC n. a headache remedy.
HYPNOLOGICALhypnological adj. Relating to hypnology.
HYPNOLOGICAL adj. relating to hypnology, the study of sleep or hypnosis, also HYPNOLOGIC.
NEPHOLOGICALnephological adj. Relating to nephology.
NEPHOLOGICAL adj. relating to nephology, the study of clouds, also NEPHOLOGIC.
OPHIOLOGICALophiological adj. Of or relating to ophiology.
OPHIOLOGICAL adj. relating to ophiology, the study of snakes, also OPHIOLOGIC.
OSCILLOGRAPHoscillograph n. An instrument for measuring alternating or varying electric current in terms of current and voltage; an oscilloscope.
OSCILLOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording alternating current wave forms.
PATHOLOGICALpathological adj. (Medicine) Pertaining to pathology.
pathological adj. (Medicine) Relating to, amounting to, causing, or caused by a physical or mental disorder.
pathological adj. (Mathematics) Having properties which are counterintuitive or difficult to handle.
PHENOLOGICALphenological adj. Of or pertaining to phenology.
PHENOLOGICAL adj. relating to phenology.
PHILOLOGICALphilological adj. Of or pertaining to the history of literature and words.
philological adj. (Linguistics) Pertaining to historical linguistics.
PHILOLOGICAL adj. of or pertaining to philology, also PHILOLOGIC.
PHLEGMATICALphlegmatical adj. Phlegmatic.
PHLEGMATICAL adj. of a calm, unexcitable disposition, also PHLEGMATIC.
PHONOLOGICALphonological adj. Of or relating to phonology.
phonological adj. Pertaining to the way sounds function in languages, including phonemes, syllable structure, stress, and accent.
PHONOLOGICAL adj. relating to phonology, also PHONOLOGIC.
PHYCOLOGICALphycological adj. Of or pertaining to the scientific study of algae.
PHYCOLOGICAL adj. relating to phycology, the study of algae.
PHYTOLOGICALphytological adj. Of or relating to phytology.
PHYTOLOGICAL adj. relating to phytology, botany.
TRIGLYPHICALtriglyphical adj. Synonym of triglyphic.
TRIGLYPHICAL adj. of or like a triglyph, also TRIGLYPHIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 41 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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