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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing A, C, F, 2O, S and T

CONFIRMATORSconfirmators n. Plural of confirmator.
CONFIRMATOR n. one who confirms.
CONFISCATIONconfiscation n. The act or process of confiscating.
CONFISCATION n. the act of confiscating.
CONFISCATORSconfiscators n. Plural of confiscator.
CONFISCATOR n. one who confiscates.
CONFISCATORYconfiscatory adj. Using confiscation.
CONFISCATORY adj. serving to confiscate.
CONFUTATIONSconfutations n. Plural of confutation.
CONFUTATION n. the act of confuting.
FLOCCULATORSflocculators n. Plural of flocculator.
FLOCCULATOR n. one who flocculates.
FOCALISATIONfocalisation n. Alternative form of focalization.
FOCALISATION n. the act of focalising, also FOCALIZATION.
FOLKTRONICASFOLKTRONICA n. a genre of music comprising various elements of folk music and electronic music.
FORCIPATIONSFORCIPATION n. torture by pinching with forceps.
FORMICATIONSformications n. Plural of formication.
FORMICATION n. an abnormal feeling like the sensation of ants crawling on the skin.
FORNICATIONSfornications n. Plural of fornication.
FORNICATION n. consensual sexual intercourse between two persons not married to each other.
NONCOLORFASTnoncolorfast adj. Not colorfast.
NONCOLORFAST adj. not colorfast, also NONCOLOURFAST.
OBFUSCATIONSobfuscations n. Plural of obfuscation.
OBFUSCATION n. the act of obfuscating.
OFFICIATIONSofficiations n. Plural of officiation.
OFFICIATION n. the act of officiating.
OLFACTRONICSolfactronics n. The design and use of machines to analyze smells.
OLFACTRONICS n. the precise measurement, analysis and detection of odours by means of electronic instruments.
OSSIFICATIONossification n. The normal process by which bone is formed.
ossification n. The calcification of tissue into a bonelike mass; the mass so formed.
ossification n. The process of becoming set in one’s ways or beliefs; rigid conventionality.
SCHOOLCRAFTSSchoolcrafts prop.n. Plural of Schoolcraft.
SCHOOLCRAFT n. (archaic) learning.
SUFFOCATIONSsuffocations n. Plural of suffocation.
SUFFOCATION n. the act of suffocating.
VOCIFERATORSvociferators n. Plural of vociferator.
VOCIFERATOR n. one who vociferates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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