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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing A, C, E, O, P, S and V

BIOPRIVACIESBIOPRIVACY n. the state of freedom from others having unauthorized access to biometric data about oneself.
COMPARATIVEScomparatives n. Plural of comparative.
COMPARATIVE n. one that compares with another esp. on equal footing.
COMPENSATIVEcompensative adj. That compensates for something; compensatory.
compensative n. (Obsolete) compensation.
COMPENSATIVE adj. relating to compensation, also COMPENSATIONAL.
COMPULSATIVEcompulsative adj. (Obsolete) compulsatory; employing force or constraint.
COMPULSATIVE adj. (Shakespeare) compulsory, also COMPULSATORY.
COOPERATIVEScooperatives n. Plural of cooperative.
co-operatives n. Plural of co-operative.
COOPERATIVE n. an enterprise or organization owned by and operated for the benefit of those using its services.
GALVANOSCOPEgalvanoscope n. A device used to detect electric currents, particularly one using the deflection of a magnetic needle.
GALVANOSCOPE n. an instrument for detecting the presence and direction of an electric current.
OVERCANOPIESovercanopies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overcanopy.
OVERCANOPY v. to cover as with a canopy.
OVERPACKAGESoverpackages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overpackage.
OVERPACKAGE v. to package excessively.
PERVICACIOUSpervicacious adj. (Possibly rare) Extremely stubborn or headstrong; wilful, obstinate.
PERVICACIOUS adj. very stubborn.
POLYVALENCESpolyvalences n. Plural of polyvalence.
POLYVALENCE n. the state of being polyvalent.
PROVOCATEURSprovocateurs n. Plural of provocateur.
PROVOCATEUR n. (French) one who provokes others to commit a crime.
PROVOCATIVESprovocatives n. Plural of provocative.
PROVOCATIVE n. something that provokes.
PSYCHOACTIVEpsychoactive adj. (Pharmacology) Affecting the mind or mental processes.
psychoactive n. (Pharmacology) Any drug that affects the mind or mental processes.
PSYCHOACTIVE adj. affecting the mind or behavior.
SUPEROCTAVESsuperoctaves n. Plural of superoctave.
SUPEROCTAVE n. an organ coupler giving an octave higher; an organ stop two octaves above the basic pitch.
VAPORESCENCEvaporescence n. (Rare) The production or emission of vapor.
VAPORESCENCE n. becoming vapour.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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