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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing A, C, 2E, 2T and X

CHATTERBOXESchatterboxes n. Plural of chatterbox.
CHATTERBOX n. a talkative person.
EXANTHEMATICexanthematic adj. Of or pertaining to exanthem.
EXANTHEMATIC adj. of or like an exanthem, a skin eruption, esp. accompanied by fever, also EXANTHEMATOUS.
EXCOGITATIVEexcogitative adj. Relating to excogitation.
EXCOGITATIVE adj. relating to excogitation.
EXCORTICATEDexcorticated v. Simple past tense and past participle of excorticate.
EXCORTICATE v. to strip the bark off of.
EXCORTICATESexcorticates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of excorticate.
EXCORTICATE v. to strip the bark off of.
EXERCITATIONexercitation n. (Rare or obsolete) The exercise or exertion of some power, responsibility, faculty etc.
EXERCITATION n. putting into practice.
EXPECTATIONSexpectations n. Plural of expectation.
EXPECTATION n. the act or state of expecting.
EXPECTATIVESexpectatives n. Plural of expectative.
EXPECTATIVE n. an anticipatory grant of a benefice not yet vacant.
EXPECTORANTSexpectorants n. Plural of expectorant.
EXPECTORANT n. an agent that promotes the discharge or expulsion of mucus from the respiratory tract.
EXPECTORATEDexpectorated v. Simple past tense and past participle of expectorate.
EXPECTORATE v. to eject from the throat or lungs by coughing or hawking and spitting.
EXPECTORATESexpectorates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of expectorate.
EXPECTORATE v. to eject from the throat or lungs by coughing or hawking and spitting.
EXPECTORATORexpectorator n. One who spits.
EXPECTORATOR n. one who expectorates.
EXTRACTIVELYextractively adv. By a extractive process.
EXTRACTIVE adv. capable of being extracted.
EXTRAHEPATICextrahepatic adj. Originating or occurring outside the liver.
EXTRAHEPATIC adj. situated or originating outside the liver.
INEXACTITUDEinexactitude n. A lack of exactness; something inexact or imprecise.
INEXACTITUDE n. lack of exactitude.
OXALACETATESoxalacetates n. Plural of oxalacetate.
OXALACETATE n. a salt or ester of oxaloacetic acid, also OXALOACETATE.
OXALOACETATEoxaloacetate n. (Organic chemistry) any salt or ester of oxaloacetic acid.
OXALOACETATE n. a salt or ester of oxaloacetic acid, also OXALACETATE.
SEXTUPLICATEsextuplicate adj. Six times the number, volume, length, etc. (of something else).
sextuplicate adj. Comprising six identical parts.
sextuplicate n. A series, set, collection, or group of six identical copies of something.
SPECTATRIXESspectatrixes n. Plural of spectatrix.
SPECTATRIX n. a female spectator, also SPECTATRESS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 63 words
  • Scrabble in French: 28 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 62 words

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