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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, C, 2E, I, L and X

EPEXEGETICALepexegetical adj. Relating to epexegesis.
EPEXEGETICAL adj. providing additional explanation or clarification, also EPEXEGETIC.
EXCEPTIONALSexceptionals n. Plural of exceptional.
EXCEPTIONAL n. someone having above or below average intelligence.
EXCLAMATIVESEXCLAMATIVE n. a word or sentence that denotes an exclamation.
EXECRATIVELYexecratively adv. In an execrative manner.
EXECRATIVE adv. cursing; vilifying.
EXEGETICALLYexegetically adv. In an exegetic manner.
EXEGETICAL adv. pertaining to exegesis, expository, also EXEGETIC.
EXOSPHERICALEXOSPHERICAL adj. related to the exosphere, the outermost layer of the earth's atmosphere, also EXOSPHERIC.
EXOTERICALLYexoterically adv. In an exoteric manner.
EXOTERICAL adv. intelligible to the uninitiated.
EXSUFFLICATEexsufflicate adj. Empty, inflated, frivolous.
EXSUFFLICATE adj. (Shakespeare) puffed out, trifling.
EXTRACTIVELYextractively adv. By a extractive process.
EXTRACTIVE adv. capable of being extracted.
EXULCERATINGexulcerating v. Present participle of exulcerate.
EXULCERATE v. to ulcerate.
EXULCERATIONexulceration n. (Obsolete) ulceration.
exulceration n. (Obsolete) fretting; festering; soreness.
EXULCERATION n. ulceration.
HEXACHLORIDEhexachloride n. (Chemistry) Any chloride having six chlorine atoms.
HEXACHLORIDE n. a chloride containing six atoms of chlorine.
HEXADECIMALShexadecimals n. Plural of hexadecimal.
HEXADECIMAL n. a number system with a base of 16.
HEXAMETRICALhexametrical adj. Hexametric; consisting of six metrical feet.
HEXAMETRICAL adj. of verse, written in hexameters, also HEXAMETRAL, HEXAMETRIC.
INEXECUTABLEinexecutable adj. That cannot be executed or carried out.
INEXECUTABLE adj. that cannot be executed.
INEXPLICABLEinexplicable adj. Impossible to explain; not easily accounted for.
INEXPLICABLE adj. incapable of being explained.
INEXTRICABLEinextricable adj. (Of a knot etc) Impossible to untie or disentangle.
inextricable adj. (Of a problem) Impossible to solve.
inextricable adj. (Of a maze etc) Impossible to escape from.
LEXICALITIESlexicalities n. Plural of lexicality.
LEXICALITY n. the quality of belonging to a lexicon.
OXYCEPHALIESoxycephalies n. Plural of oxycephaly.
OXYCEPHALY n. the condition of having a conical skull.
SEXTUPLICATEsextuplicate adj. Six times the number, volume, length, etc. (of something else).
sextuplicate adj. Comprising six identical parts.
sextuplicate n. A series, set, collection, or group of six identical copies of something.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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