ACROMEGALIES | • acromegalies n. Plural of acromegaly. • ACROMEGALY n. a glandular disorder causing gigantism of extremities. |
CONGEALMENTS | • congealments n. Plural of congealment. • CONGEALMENT n. the state of being congealed. |
CONGLOMERATE | • conglomerate n. A cluster of heterogeneous things. • conglomerate n. (Business) A corporation formed by the combination of several smaller corporations whose activities… • conglomerate n. (Geology) A rock consisting of gravel or pebbles embedded in a matrix. |
ELECTROGRAMS | • electrograms n. Plural of electrogram. • ELECTROGRAM n. a tracing of the electrical potentials of a tissue (as the brain or heart) made by means of electrodes placed directly in the tissue instead of on the surface of the body. |
EVANGELICISM | • evangelicism n. Evangelical principles; evangelism. • EVANGELICISM n. being an evangelist. |
GALACTOMETER | • galactometer n. (Archaic) A lactometer. • GALACTOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the specific gravity of milk. |
LEGITIMACIES | • legitimacies n. Plural of legitimacy. • LEGITIMACY n. the quality of being legitimate. |
LEUCAEMOGENS | • LEUCAEMOGEN n. a substance that encourages the development of leukaemia, also LEUKAEMOGEN, LEUKEMOGEN. |
MEGACEPHALIC | • megacephalic adj. (Botany, zoology) Having an extremely large head. • MEGACEPHALIC adj. having an unusually large skull, also MEGALOCEPHALIC, MEGALOCEPHALOUS. |
MEREOLOGICAL | • mereological adj. (Philosophy, logic) Of or pertaining to mereology, a collection of axiomatic first-order theories dealing… • MEREOLOGICAL adj. related to mereology, the formal study of the logical properties of the relation between part and whole. |
METALLOGENIC | • metallogenic adj. Of or pertaining to metallogeny. • metallogenic adj. (Geology) Occurring in an ore as a native metal rather than as a compound such as silicate, carbonate etc. • METALLOGENIC adj. of an element, occurring as an ore or a naturally occurring metal, as opposed to in rocks. |
MISCHALLENGE | • mischallenge n. (Obsolete) A false or misguided challenge. • MISCHALLENGE n. (Spenser) an unjust challenge. |
PIECEMEALING | • piecemealing v. Present participle of piecemeal. • PIECEMEAL v. to divide or distribute piecemeal. |
REFLECTOGRAM | • reflectogram n. The set of data captured in an application of reflectography. • REFLECTOGRAM n. an image produced by reflectography. |