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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, 2C, L, P, R and Y

ARCHETYPICALarchetypical adj. In the way of an archetype, in the way of an idealized model or most representative.
ARCHETYPICAL adj. of or like an archetype, also ARCHETYPAL.
BRACHYCEPHALBRACHYCEPHAL n. a short-headed person.
CAPRICIOUSLYcapriciously adv. In a capricious manner; without caution or concern.
CAPRICIOUS adv. subject to whim; impulsive and unpredictable.
CHALCOGRAPHYchalcography n. Engraving on copper or brass.
CHALCOGRAPHY n. the art of engraving on copper or brass.
CHALCOPYRITEchalcopyrite n. (Mineralogy) A yellow mineral that is a mixed sulfide of copper and iron, with the chemical formula CuFeS2.
CHALCOPYRITE n. copper pyrites, a yellow double sulphide of copper and iron.
CRYPTOCOCCALcryptococcal adj. (Pathology) Of or pertaining to cryptococcus fungi or cryptococcosis.
CRYPTOCOCCAL adj. of or like a cryptococcus.
CYCLOGRAPHICcyclographic adj. Relating to the cyclograph, or arcograph.
CYCLOGRAPHIC adj. relating to a cyclograph, an instrument for describing arcs of circles without compasses.
CYCLOPROPANEcyclopropane n. (Organic chemistry, pharmacology) The simplest alicyclic hydrocarbon, C3H6, an inflammable gas, sometimes…
CYCLOPROPANE n. a flammable gaseous saturated cyclic hydrocarbon sometimes used as a general anesthetic.
HYPOCRITICALhypocritical adj. Characterized by hypocrisy or being a hypocrite.
HYPOCRITICAL adj. characterized by hypocrisy, also HYPOCRITIC.
LYCANTHROPIClycanthropic adj. Of or pertaining to lycanthropy.
lycanthropic adj. Of or pertaining to lycanthropes.
LYCANTHROPIC adj. related to lycanthropy.
MACROCEPHALYmacrocephaly n. (Medicine) A condition in which the head is abnormally large.
macrocephaly n. (Geography) The excessive concentration of population and development in a single centre, to the detriment…
MACROCEPHALY n. largeness, or abnormal largeness, of the head.
MICROCEPHALYmicrocephaly n. A neurological disorder in which the person affected has an abnormally small head due to a failure of brain growth.
MICROCEPHALY n. the state of having a small head.
PRACTICALITYpracticality n. (Uncountable) The state of being practical or feasible.
practicality n. (Countable, usually in the plural) The practical aspect of something.
PRACTICALITY n. the state of being practical.
PROPHYLACTICprophylactic n. A medicine which preserves or defends against disease; a preventive.
prophylactic n. (Figuratively) Any device or mechanism intended to prevent harmful consequences.
prophylactic adj. Serving to prevent or protect against an undesired effect, especially disease or pregnancy.
PROSTACYCLINprostacyclin n. (Organic chemistry) A prostaglandin produced in the walls of blood vessels; it acts as a vasodilator…
PROSTACYCLIN n. a prostaglandin which dilates blood vessels and inhibits blood clotting.
PYROCATECHOLpyrocatechol n. (Organic chemistry) A dihydric phenol, benzene-1,2-diol, present in some tars.
PYROCATECHOL n. another name for catechol, also PYROCATECHIN.
PYROCHEMICALpyrochemical adj. (Chemistry) Of, related to, or produced by chemical reactions at elevated temperatures.
PYROCHEMICAL adj. relating to chemical changes at high temperatures.
PYROCLASTICSpyroclastics n. Plural of pyroclastic.
PYROCLASTIC n. a rock formed in this way.
RECIPROCALLYreciprocally adv. In a reciprocal manner; by way of returning (e.g. a favour, insult, etc).
RECIPROCAL adv. acting in return.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 65 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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