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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 9 twelve-letter words containing A, 2C, 2L, M and S

CLASSICALISMclassicalism n. Classicism.
CLASSICALISM n. in literature, music, etc., a principle, character or tendency such as is seen in Greek classical literature, marked by beauty of form, good taste, restraint and clarity.
CLERICALISMSclericalisms n. Plural of clericalism.
CLERICALISM n. a policy of maintaining or increasing the power of a religious hierarchy.
COLLENCHYMAScollenchymas n. Plural of collenchyma.
COLLENCHYMA n. the supportive tissue of plants.
COSMETICALLYcosmetically adv. In cosmetic terms; regarding appearance.
COSMETICAL adv. imparting or improving beauty, particularly the beauty of the complexion, also COSMETIC.
COSMOLOGICALcosmological adj. Of or pertaining to cosmology, or to the overall structure of the universe.
COSMOLOGICAL adj. relating to cosmology, also COSMOLOGIC.
MALOCCLUSIONmalocclusion n. (Dentistry) A misalignment of the upper and lower sets of teeth.
MALOCCLUSION n. faulty contact between the upper and lower teeth when the jaw is closed.
MELANCHOLICSmelancholics n. Plural of melancholic.
MELANCHOLIC n. one given to melancholy.
MILLOCRACIESmillocracies n. Plural of millocracy.
MILLOCRACY n. the body of mill-owners regarded as a dominant or ruling class.
MISCALCULATEmiscalculate v. To calculate incorrectly.
miscalculate v. To make a gross error in judgement.
MISCALCULATE v. to calculate wrongly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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