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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing A, 2C, H, L, P and S

ACCOMPLISHEDaccomplished adj. Completed; effected; established.
accomplished adj. Having many accomplishments, often as a result of study or training.
accomplished adj. Showing skill and artistry.
ACCOMPLISHERaccomplisher n. One who accomplishes.
ACCOMPLISHER n. one who accomplishes.
ACCOMPLISHESaccomplishes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of accomplish.
ACCOMPLISH v. to bring about (a result) by effort, also COMPLISH.
ARCHIPLASMICARCHIPLASMIC adj. relating to archiplasm, the protoplasmic material surrounding the centrosome.
ARCHOPLASMICARCHOPLASMIC adj. relating to archoplasm, the protoplasmic material surrounding the centrosome.
CATAPHYSICALcataphysical adj. Unnatural; going against nature.
CATAPHYSICAL adj. unnatural.
CEPHALALGICScephalalgics n. Plural of cephalalgic.
CEPHALALGIC n. a headache remedy.
CEPHALOCELEScephaloceles n. Plural of cephalocele.
CEPHALOCELE n. the protrusion of the membranes of the brain through a hole in the skull.
CHAPLAINCIESchaplaincies n. Plural of chaplaincy.
CHAPLAINCY n. the office of chaplain, also CHAPLAINRY.
MESOCEPHALICmesocephalic adj. (Of a person or animal) Having a head that is not particularly short or long from front to back, relative…
mesocephalic n. A mesocephalic person.
MESOCEPHALIC adj. having a medium-sized skull.
MICROCEPHALSMICROCEPHAL n. someone having a very small head.
OPHICALCITESOPHICALCITE n. a kind of marble, containing green serpentine.
PSYCHOSOCIALpsychosocial adj. (Of behaviour) Having both psychological and social aspects.
PSYCHOSOCIAL adj. involving both psychological and social aspects.
SCOPOPHILIACscopophiliac adj. Alternative form of scopophilic.
scopophiliac n. Alternative form of scopophile.
SCOPOPHILIAC n. one who derives sexual pleasure from things seen, as e.g. naked bodies.
SCRATCHPLATEscratchplate n. A pickguard.
SCRATCHPLATE n. a plastic or metal plate attached to the front of a guitar to protect it from pick scratches.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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