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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, 2C, G, O, R and T

CARTOGRAPHICcartographic adj. Of or pertaining to the making of maps.
CARTOLOGICALcartological adj. Relating to cartology.
CARTOLOGICAL adj. related to cartology.
COACERVATINGCOACERVATE v. to heap; to cause to mass together.
COLORCASTINGcolorcasting v. Present participle of colorcast.
COLORCAST v. to broadcast in colour, also COLOURCAST.
CONSECRATINGconsecrating v. Present participle of consecrate.
CONSECRATE v. to induct (a person) into a permanent office with a religious rite.
EGOCENTRICALEGOCENTRICAL adj. concerned with the individual rather than society, also EGOCENTRIC.
GASTROSCOPICgastroscopic adj. Of or pertaining to gastroscopy.
GASTROSCOPIC adj. relating to the gastroscope, an instrument for examining interior of the stomach.
GEOCENTRICALgeocentrical adj. Alternative form of geocentric.
GEOCENTRICAL adj. having the earth for centre, also GEOCENTRIC.
GERONTOCRACYgerontocracy n. Government by elders.
GERONTOCRACY n. government by the aged.
GRANULOCYTICgranulocytic adj. Of, or pertaining to, granulocytes.
GRANULOCYTIC adj. of or like a granulocyte, a kind of white blood cell.
GYNECOCRATICgynecocratic adj. Of or relating to gynecocracy.
GYNECOCRATIC adj. relating to gynecocracy.
HECTOGRAPHIChectographic adj. Relating to hectography.
HECTOGRAPHIC adj. relating to a hectograph.
HYGROCHASTICHYGROCHASTIC adj. showing hygrochasy, dehiscence on moistening.
ORGANICISTICorganicistic adj. Relating to organicism.
ORGANICISTIC adj. related to organicism, the conception of life or society as an organism.
OVERCATCHINGovercatching v. Present participle of overcatch.
OVERCATCH v. to overtake.
PICTOGRAPHICpictographic adj. Represented by pictures.
pictographic adj. Of or pertaining to pictographs.
pictographic n. A pictograph or hieroglyph.
RECOMPACTINGrecompacting v. Present participle of recompact.
RECOMPACT v. to compact or join anew.
RECONTACTINGrecontacting v. Present participle of recontact.
RECONTACT v. to contact again.
SECRETAGOGICSECRETAGOGIC adj. of or like a secretagogue.
TRAGICOMICALtragicomical adj. Having the characteristics of a tragicomedy.
TRAGICOMICAL adj. part tragic, part comic, also TRAGICOMIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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