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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing A, 2C, D, L, S and T

ACCLIMATISEDacclimatised v. Simple past tense and past participle of acclimatise.
ACCLIMATISE v. to accustom to a climate, also ACCLIMATIZE, ACCLIMATE.
BESPECTACLEDbespectacled adj. Wearing spectacles (glasses).
BESPECTACLED adj. wearing spectacles.
CANDESCENTLYCANDESCENT adv. glowing, white-hot, also CANDENT.
CANDLESTICKScandlesticks n. Plural of candlestick.
candlesticks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of candlestick.
CANDLESTICK n. a holder with a socket for a candle.
CATHOLICISEDcatholicised v. Simple past tense and past participle of catholicise.
Catholicised v. Simple past tense and past participle of Catholicise.
CATHOLICISE v. to make catholic, also CATHOLICIZE.
COLOURCASTEDcolourcasted v. Simple past tense and past participle of colourcast.
COLOURCAST v. to broadcast (a television programme) in colour, also COLORCAST.
CYCLOPAEDISTcyclopaedist n. Alternative spelling of cyclopedist.
cyclopædist n. Alternative spelling of cyclopedist.
CYCLOPAEDIST n. one who writes encyclopaedias.
DACTYLOSCOPYdactyloscopy n. The forensic analysis and comparison of fingerprints as a means of identification of individuals.
DACTYLOSCOPY n. the comparison of fingerprints for purpose of identification.
DIALECTICISMdialecticism n. The quality of being dialectic.
dialecticism n. (Linguistics) A dialectal word or phrase (especially if borrowed into another dialect or into ’standard’…
DIALECTICISM n. the study of dialects.
DISCALCEATESdiscalceates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of discalceate.
DISCALCEATE n. one who goes unshod, a discalced friar.
FASCICULATEDfasciculated adj. Grouped in a fascicle; fascicled.
FLACCIDITIESflaccidities n. Plural of flaccidity.
FLACCIDITY n. the state of being flaccid.
INSECTICIDALinsecticidal adj. Of, relating to, or being insecticide; insect-killing.
INSECTICIDAL adj. destroying or controlling insects.
MACRODACTYLSmacrodactyls n. Plural of macrodactyl.
MACRODACTYL n. one of a group of wading birds.
RADICALISTICradicalistic adj. Of, or pertaining to radicalism.
RADICALISTIC adj. related to radicalism, the state of being radical.
SCRATCHBUILDSCRATCHBUILD v. to build (usually models) from raw materials, as opposed to constructing from kits or buying ready made.
UNSPECTACLEDunspectacled adj. Not wearing spectacles.
UNSPECTACLED adj. not wearing spectacles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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