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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing A, 2C, D and 3I

BACILLICIDESbacillicides n. Plural of bacillicide.
BACILLICIDE n. something which destroys bacteria.
CODIFICATIONcodification n. The process of precisely formulating a statement, such as a code of laws.
codification n. The act or result of arranging something into a code; the act of setting down a body of knowledge in a systematic way.
CODIFICATION n. the act of codifying.
DIALECTICIANdialectician n. (Chiefly historical) Someone skilled in dialectics: someone able to arrive at logical conclusions through…
dialectician n. (Hegelianism) Someone skilled in dialectical idealism: someone able to arrive at historical conclusions…
dialectician n. (Marxism) Someone skilled in dialectical materialism: someone able to arrive at socio-political conclusions…
DIALECTICISMdialecticism n. The quality of being dialectic.
dialecticism n. (Linguistics) A dialectal word or phrase (especially if borrowed into another dialect or into ’standard’…
DIALECTICISM n. the study of dialects.
DIDACTICISMSdidacticisms n. Plural of didacticism.
DIDACTICISM n. being didactic.
EPIDEICTICALepideictical adj. Alternative form of epideictic.
EPIDEICTICAL adj. done for show or display, also EPIDEICTIC.
FLACCIDITIESflaccidities n. Plural of flaccidity.
FLACCIDITY n. the state of being flaccid.
INDELICACIESindelicacies n. Plural of indelicacy.
INDELICACY n. the quality of being indelicate.
INSECTICIDALinsecticidal adj. Of, relating to, or being insecticide; insect-killing.
INSECTICIDAL adj. destroying or controlling insects.
MICROBICIDALmicrobicidal adj. Of, pertaining to, or functioning as a microbicide.
microbicidal n. Such a material.
PERICARDITICPERICARDITIC adj. relating to pericarditis.
PICCADILLIESPICCADILLY n. a high, stiff collar for the neck, also PICKADILLY.
RADICALISTICradicalistic adj. Of, or pertaining to radicalism.
RADICALISTIC adj. related to radicalism, the state of being radical.
SCINCOIDIANSScincoidians n. Plural of Scincoidian.
SCINCOIDIAN n. a member of the skink family.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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