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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 10 twelve-letter words containing A, 3C, I and 2O

CACOPHONICALcacophonical adj. Cacophonous; harsh-sounding; unmusical.
CHLOROACETICchloroacetic adj. Of or pertaining to chloroacetic acid and its derivatives.
CHLOROACETIC adj. an acid made by chlorinating acetic acid, also CHLORACETIC.
CICHORACEOUScichoraceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to, or resembling, a suborder of composite plants of which the chicory (Cichorium) is the type.
CICHORACEOUS adj. of or belonging to the Cichoraceae, a suborder of plants including the chicory, endive, dandelion, etc.
COCARCINOGENcocarcinogen n. (Medicine) Any agent than can cause the onset of cancer only when working with carcinogenic agents.
COCARCINOGEN n. an agent that aggravates the carcinogenic effects of another substance.
COCCIDIOSTATcoccidiostat n. Any antiprotozoal agent that acts upon Coccidia parasites.
COCCIDIOSTAT n. an agent which builds up a resistance by the host to coccidia by retarding the latter's life-cycle, etc.
CONCOMITANCEconcomitance n. Occurrence or existence together or in connection with one another, coexistence.
concomitance n. A concomitant.
concomitance n. (Christianity) The Roman Catholic doctrine of the existence of the entire body of Christ in the Eucharist…
CONCOMITANCYconcomitancy n. The condition of being concomitant; concomitance.
CONCOMITANCY n. the state of being concomitant.
COSCINOMANCYcoscinomancy n. Divination by the use of a suspended sieve sometimes from tongs or shears. The movement of the sieve…
COSCINOMANCY n. divination using a sieve and a pair of shears.
ICONOCLASTICiconoclastic adj. Characterized by attack on established and accepted beliefs, customs, or institutions; of or pertaining to iconoclasm.
ICONOCLASTIC adj. like an iconoclast.
OCHLOCRACIESochlocracies n. Plural of ochlocracy.
OCHLOCRACY n. government by the mob.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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