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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing A, 3C, H, I and O

CACOPHONICALcacophonical adj. Cacophonous; harsh-sounding; unmusical.
CHALCOLITHICchalcolithic adj. Synonym of Eneolithic.
CHALCOLITHIC adj. of or relating to a period characterized by the use of both stone and bronze implements.
CHIROPRACTICchiropractic n. (Alternative medicine) A system of health care involving manipulation of the spinal column and other…
chiropractic adj. Relating to chiropractics.
CHIROPRACTIC n. the diagnosis and manipulative treatment of mechanical disorders of the joints, esp. of the spine.
CHLOROACETICchloroacetic adj. Of or pertaining to chloroacetic acid and its derivatives.
CHLOROACETIC adj. an acid made by chlorinating acetic acid, also CHLORACETIC.
CICHORACEOUScichoraceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to, or resembling, a suborder of composite plants of which the chicory (Cichorium) is the type.
CICHORACEOUS adj. of or belonging to the Cichoraceae, a suborder of plants including the chicory, endive, dandelion, etc.
COELACANTHICCOELACANTHIC adj. (jocular) old but worth keeping.
CYCLOGRAPHICcyclographic adj. Relating to the cyclograph, or arcograph.
CYCLOGRAPHIC adj. relating to a cyclograph, an instrument for describing arcs of circles without compasses.
CYCLOTHYMIACcyclothymiac adj. Related to, or affected by cyclothymia.
cyclothymiac n. A person affected by cyclothymia.
CYCLOTHYMIAC n. one suffering from cyclothymia.
CYTOCHEMICALcytochemical adj. (Biochemistry) Relating to cytochemistry.
cytochemical n. (Biochemistry) Any chemical compound that is found only in cells.
CYTOCHEMICAL adj. relating to cytochemistry.
HYPOCALCEMIChypocalcemic adj. Relating to, or exhibiting, hypocalcemia.
HYPOCALCEMIC adj. relating to hypocalcemia, also HYPOCALCAEMIC.
OCHLOCRACIESochlocracies n. Plural of ochlocracy.
OCHLOCRACY n. government by the mob.
SCHIZOCARPICschizocarpic adj. (Botany) Of or relating to a schizocarp.
SCHIZOCARPIC adj. of or like a schizocarp, a compound fruit splitting into several one-seeded ones.
TECHNOCRATICtechnocratic adj. Of, or relating to a technocrat or technocracy.
TECHNOCRATIC adj. of, relating to, or suggestive of a technocrat or a technocracy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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