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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing A, B, L, N, 2R and S

ANGLEBERRIESangleberries n. Plural of angleberry.
ANGLEBERRY n. a soft fleshy tumour in horses; a disease of turnips and cabbages, also ANBURY.
BLENNORRHEASblennorrheas n. Plural of blennorrhea.
BLENNORRHEA n. an excessive discharge of watery mucus, esp. from the urethra or the vagina, also BLENNORRHOEA.
BURGLARISINGburglarising v. (Britain) present participle of burglarise.
BURGLARISE v. to commit burglary, also BURGLARIZE.
LIBERTARIANSlibertarians n. Plural of libertarian.
Libertarians n. Plural of Libertarian.
LIBERTARIAN n. one who believes in the maximum amount of freedom.
LOGANBERRIESloganberries n. Plural of loganberry.
LOGANBERRY n. a hybrid between a raspberry and a Pacific coast blackberry.
NONLIBRARIESnonlibraries n. Plural of nonlibrary.
RATTLEBRAINSrattlebrains n. Plural of rattlebrain.
RATTLEBRAIN n. a shallow, voluble, volatile person.
RESTRAINABLErestrainable adj. That may be restrained.
RESTRAINABLE adj. capable of being restrained.
SUBLIBRARIANsublibrarian n. An under or assistant librarian.
SUBLIBRARIAN n. a subordinate librarian.
TRANSFERABLEtransferable adj. Able to be transferred.
TRANSFERABLE adj. that can be transferred, also TRANSFERRABLE, TRANSFERRIBLE.
TRANSPIRABLEtranspirable adj. (Biology) able to be transpired.
TRANSPIRABLE adj. capable of transpiring.
UNSCRAMBLERSunscramblers n. Plural of unscrambler.
UNSCRAMBLER n. one who unscrambles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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