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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing A, B, L, N, P, T and U

INCOMPUTABLEincomputable adj. Not computable; that cannot be computed, calculated or estimated.
INCOMPUTABLE adj. not computable.
INCOMPUTABLYincomputably adv. To an incomputable degree.
INCOMPUTABLE adv. not computable.
INDISPUTABLEindisputable adj. Not disputable; not open to question; obviously true.
INDISPUTABLE adj. not disputable.
INDISPUTABLYindisputably adv. In a manner that is incapable of being disputed or argued against.
INDISPUTABLE adv. not disputable.
NUMBERPLATESnumberplates n. Plural of numberplate.
number␣plates n. Plural of number plate.
NUMBERPLATE n. an identifying plate on a car.
PUBLICATIONSpublications n. Plural of publication.
PUBLICATION n. the act of publishing.
UNACCEPTABLEunacceptable adj. Unsatisfactory; not acceptable.
unacceptable adj. (Linguistics) not conforming to accepted usage.
unacceptable n. Something that is not acceptable.
UNACCEPTABLYunacceptably adv. Not within the limits of what is generally considered to be acceptable.
UNACCEPTABLE adv. not acceptable.
UNCAPTURABLEuncapturable adj. Not capturable; not able to be captured.
UNCAPTURABLE adj. that cannot be captured.
UNDISPUTABLEundisputable adj. (Less common) Alternative form of indisputable.
UNDISPUTABLE adj. not disputable.
UNDISPUTABLYundisputably adv. In an undisputable manner; undeniably.
UNHOSPITABLEunhospitable adj. Not hospitable.
UNHOSPITABLE adj. not hospitable, also INHOSPITABLE.
UNPATENTABLEunpatentable adj. (Law) Not patentable; that cannot be patented.
UNPATENTABLE adj. not patentable.
UNPROFITABLEunprofitable adj. Not making a profit.
UNPROFITABLE adj. not profitable.
UNPROFITABLYunprofitably adv. In an unprofitable manner.
UNPROFITABLE adv. not profitable.
UNREPEATABLEunrepeatable adj. Unable to be repeated.
unrepeatable adj. (Sciences) (of an experiment or procedure) That gives different results when repeated.
UNREPEATABLE adj. not repeatable.
UNREPEATABLYunrepeatably adv. In an unrepeatable way.
UNREPORTABLEunreportable adj. Not reportable.
UNREPORTABLE adj. not reportable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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