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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing A, B, L, M, 2O and R

AEROEMBOLISMaeroembolism n. An embolism that results from the introduction, (or the formation under reduced pressure) of air bubbles in the blood.
AEROEMBOLISM n. sickness caused by exposure to rapidly lowered air pressure.
BACHELORDOMSBACHELORDOM n. the state of being a bachelor.
BIOMOLECULARbiomolecular adj. (Biochemistry) Relating to biomolecules (especially macromolecules).
BIOMOLECULAR adj. relating to biomolecules.
BLOODSTREAMSbloodstreams n. Plural of bloodstream.
BLOODSTREAM n. the flowing blood in a circulatory system.
BROMOURACILSbromouracils n. Plural of bromouracil.
BROMOURACIL n. a uracil derivative that is an analog of thymine and pairs readily with adenine and sometimes with guanine.
BROOMBALLERSbroomballers n. Plural of broomballer.
BROOMBALLER n. (Canadian) one who plays broomball.
COMMEMORABLEcommemorable adj. Worthy of being commemorated.
COMMEMORABLE adj. able to be commemorated.
FOOTLAMBERTSfootlamberts n. Plural of footlambert.
foot-lamberts n. Plural of foot-lambert.
FOOTLAMBERT n. a unit of luminance of a surface emitting one lumen per square foot.
MOBOCRATICALmobocratical adj. Of or pertaining to mobocracy.
MOBOCRATICAL adj. relating to mobocracy, government by mobs or crowds, also MOBOCRATIC.
NONMICROBIALnonmicrobial adj. Not microbial.
NONMICROBIAL adj. not microbial.
RHOMBOHEDRALrhombohedral adj. (Crystallography) Having three equal axes and oblique angles.
RHOMBOHEDRAL adj. shaped like a rhombohedron.
SYMBOLOLATRYsymbololatry n. The worship of symbols.
SYMBOLOLATRY n. the worship of symbols.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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