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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing A, B, 2L, M, O and R

AMBULATORILYambulatorily adv. By or in terms of walking.
AMBULATORY adv. walking.
BALLADMONGERballadmonger n. A seller or composer of ballads.
BALLADMONGER n. a dealer in or composer of ballads.
BIOMOLECULARbiomolecular adj. (Biochemistry) Relating to biomolecules (especially macromolecules).
BIOMOLECULAR adj. relating to biomolecules.
BROOMBALLERSbroomballers n. Plural of broomballer.
BROOMBALLER n. (Canadian) one who plays broomball.
CHLORAMBUCILchlorambucil n. A particular drug used in chemotherapy.
CHLORAMBUCIL n. an oral drug used to treat some cancers, e.g. cancer of the ovary and leukaemia.
FLABELLIFORMflabelliform adj. Shaped like a fan; flabellate.
FLABELLIFORM adj. shaped like a fan.
FORMALISABLEformalisable adj. Alternative form of formalizable.
FORMALISABLE adj. capable of being formalised, also FORMALIZABLE.
FORMALIZABLEformalizable adj. Capable of being formalized.
FORMALIZABLE adj. capable of being formalized, also FORMALISABLE.
MORBIFICALLYmorbifically adv. In a morbific way.
MORBIFIC adv. causing disease.
MULTILOBULARmultilobular adj. Having more than one lobule.
MULTILOBULAR adj. having many lobules, also MULTILOBULATE.
MYOFIBRILLARmyofibrillar adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to myofibrils.
MYOFIBRILLAR adj. relating to myofibrils.
NORMALISABLEnormalisable adj. Alternative spelling of normalizable.
NORMALISABLE adj. capable of being normalised, also NORMALIZABLE.
NORMALIZABLEnormalizable adj. That can be normalized.
NORMALIZABLE adj. capable of being normalized, also NORMALISABLE.
RAMBOUILLETSRambouillets n. Plural of Rambouillet.
RAMBOUILLET n. a kind of sheep.
SEMIGLOBULARsemiglobular adj. Roughly having the shape of half a sphere.
SEMIGLOBULAR adj. being in the form of a half globe.
SYLLABOGRAMSsyllabograms n. Plural of syllabogram.
SYLLABOGRAM n. a written symbol representing a single syllable.
SYMBOLOLATRYsymbololatry n. The worship of symbols.
SYMBOLOLATRY n. the worship of symbols.
THERMOLABILEthermolabile adj. (Biochemistry) Subject to destruction/decomposition or change in response to heat.
THERMOLABILE adj. easily decomposed by heat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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