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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, B, 2I, M, N and U

ALBUMENISINGalbumenising v. Present participle of albumenise.
ALBUMENISE v. to cover or impregnate with albumen or an albuminous solution.
ALBUMENIZINGalbumenizing v. Present participle of albumenize.
ALBUMENIZE v. to cover or impregnate with albumen or an albuminous solution.
ALBUMINISINGalbuminising v. Present participle of albuminise.
ALBUMINISE v. to cover or impregnate with albumen or an albuminous solution.
ALBUMINIZINGalbuminizing v. Present participle of albuminize.
ALBUMINIZE v. to cover or impregnate with albumen or an albuminous solution.
ALBUMINURIASalbuminurias n. Plural of albuminuria.
ALBUMINURIA n. the presence of albumin in the urine.
AUTOMOBILINGautomobiling v. Present participle of automobile.
AUTOMOBILE v. to travel by car.
BILINGUALISMbilingualism n. The condition of being bilingual; the ability to speak two languages.
BILINGUALISM n. the ability to speak two languages.
BITUMINATINGbituminating v. Present participle of bituminate.
BITUMINATE v. to treat or impregnate with bitumen.
CONNUBIALISMconnubialism n. (Formal) Marriage; married life.
CONNUBIALISM n. the state of being connubial.
MISLABOURINGmislabouring v. Present participle of mislabour.
MISLABOUR v. to labour wrongly, also MISLABOR.
NUMERABILITYnumerability n. The quality of being numerable.
NUMERABILITY n. the quality of being numerable.
SUBLIMATIONSsublimations n. Plural of sublimation.
SUBLIMATION n. the process by which matter in the solid state passes directly to the gaseous state without first becoming liquid.
SUBLIMINALLYsubliminally adv. In a subliminal manner.
SUBLIMINAL adv. inadequate to produce a sensation or a perception.
SUBMINIATUREsubminiature adj. Compact or smaller than miniature.
subminiature adj. (Photography) of photography equipment and techniques using a smaller frame than 35mm.
subminiature n. Any item smaller than that considered miniature, especially electronic and electromechanical devices.
TAMBOURINISTtambourinist n. Someone who plays the tambourine.
TAMBOURINIST n. one who plays the tambourin.
UMBILICATIONumbilication n. A slight, navel-like depression, or dimpling, of the centre of a rounded body.
UMBILICATION n. the state of being umbilicate.
UNAMIABILITYunamiability n. The quality of being unamiable.
UNAMIABILITY n. the quality of being unamiable.
UNIMAGINABLEunimaginable adj. Unable to be imagined; inconceivable or mind-boggling; beyond belief.
UNIMAGINABLE adj. not imaginable or comprehensible.
UNIMAGINABLYunimaginably adv. To an extent or in a way that cannot be, or could not have been, imagined.
UNIMAGINABLE adv. not imaginable or comprehensible.
UNMODIFIABLEunmodifiable adj. Incapable of being modified; immune to modification.
UNMODIFIABLE adj. not modifiable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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