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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing A, B, G, O, 2S and T

ABSOLUTISINGabsolutising v. Present participle of absolutise.
ABSOLUTISE v. to make absolute, also ABSOLUTIZE.
BURGOMASTERSburgomasters n. Plural of burgomaster.
BURGOMASTER n. (Dutch) the mayor of a Dutch or Flemish town.
GARBOLOGISTSgarbologists n. Plural of garbologist.
GARBOLOGIST n. a person who studies a society's waste materials.
GEOBOTANISTSgeobotanists n. Plural of geobotanist.
GEOBOTANIST n. a student of geobotany.
GONIMOBLASTSgonimoblasts n. Plural of gonimoblast.
GONIMOBLAST n. in the red seaweeds, a spore-bearing filament that springs from the fertilized carpogonium.
MEGALOBLASTSmegaloblasts n. Plural of megaloblast.
MEGALOBLAST n. a large erythroblast that appears in the blood esp. in pernicious anemia.
OBSIGNATIONSobsignations n. Plural of obsignation.
OBSIGNATION n. the act of obsigning.
SAILBOATINGSSAILBOATING n. the sport of using a sailboat.
SPONGIOBLASTspongioblast n. (Cytology) A neuroepithelial cell that develops into neuroglial and ependymal cells.
SPONGIOBLAST n. any of numerous columnar epithelial cells in the brain and spinal cord that develop into neuroglia.
STRINGBOARDSstringboards n. Plural of stringboard.
STRINGBOARD n. a board that covers the ends of the steps in a staircase.
SUBJUGATIONSsubjugations n. Plural of subjugation.
SUBJUGATION n. the act of subjugating.
SUBROGATIONSsubrogations n. Plural of subrogation.
SUBROGATION n. the act of subrogating, also SURROGATION.
THOROUGHBASSthoroughbass n. (Music) Synonym of figured bass.
THOROUGHBASS n. esp. in baroque music, a bass part underlying a piece.
TOBOGGANISTStobogganists n. Plural of tobogganist.
TOBOGGANIST n. one who uses a toboggan, also TOBOGGANER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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