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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing A, B, G, L, O, R and T

ASTROBIOLOGYastrobiology n. (Sciences) The study of life anywhere in the universe, including the Earth.
ASTROBIOLOGY n. exobiology.
BACTERIOLOGYbacteriology n. (Biology, microbiology) The scientific study of bacteria, especially in relation to disease and agriculture.
BACTERIOLOGY n. the scientific study of bacteria.
BATTLEGROUNDbattleground n. A location where a battle may be fought, or has been fought.
battleground n. (Figurative) Any place or situation of dispute or contention.
battleground n. (Figurative) Any subject of dispute or contention.
BERTILLONAGEbertillonage n. (Historical) An early form of biometric identification used on criminals by the French police, making…
bertillonage n. (By extension) A similar form of identification of used on racing greyhounds.
BERTILLONAGE n. (French) a system of criminal identification by detailed measurements.
BREASTPLOUGHbreastplough n. A kind of plough, worked by handles near the worker’s breast, and in some types by pushing with the…
BREASTPLOUGH n. a kind of spade for cutting turf, with a crossbar against which the breast is pressed.
FORGEABILITYforgeability n. (Metallurgy) The quality or degree of being forgeable.
FORGEABILITY n. the state of being forgeable.
GARBOLOGISTSgarbologists n. Plural of garbologist.
GARBOLOGIST n. a person who studies a society's waste materials.
INTERROGABLEinterrogable adj. That can be interrogated; that can respond to a query.
INTERROGABLE adj. that can be interrogated.
MORTGAGEABLEmortgageable adj. That can be mortgaged.
MORTGAGEABLE adj. that can be mortgaged.
OBLIGATORILYobligatorily adv. In an obligatory manner.
OBLIGATORY adv. binding in law or conscience.
OBLITERATINGobliterating v. Present participle of obliterate.
OBLITERATE v. to erase or blot out.
RENEGOTIABLErenegotiable adj. Able to be renegotiated.
RENEGOTIABLE adj. subject to renegotiation.
STROBILATINGstrobilating v. Present participle of strobilate.
STROBILATE v. to undergo strobilation.
TRIBOLOGICALtribological adj. Of or pertaining to tribology.
TRIBOLOGICAL adj. relating to tribology.
URBANOLOGISTurbanologist n. A sociologist who studies the problems of living in cities and towns.
URBANOLOGIST n. one who studies towns.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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