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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing A, B, G, 2I and 2S

ABSOLUTISINGabsolutising v. Present participle of absolutise.
ABSOLUTISE v. to make absolute, also ABSOLUTIZE.
AGRIBUSINESSagribusiness n. (Uncountable) Business (especially big business) connected to agriculture, either owning or operating…
agribusiness n. (Countable) A business or group of businesses engaged in agriculture, particularly if using modern farming…
agri-business n. Alternative form of agribusiness.
ASSIBILATINGassibilating v. Present participle of assibilate.
ASSIBILATE v. to pronounce with a hiss or sibilant.
BABYSITTINGSbabysittings n. Plural of babysitting.
baby-sittings n. Plural of baby-sitting.
baby␣sittings n. Plural of baby sitting.
BACKSHISHINGbackshishing v. Present participle of backshish.
BACKSLIDINGSbackslidings n. Plural of backsliding.
BACKSLIDING n. a lapse, a moral transgression.
BAKHSHISHINGbakhshishing v. Present participle of bakhshish.
BAKHSHISH v. (Persian) in Eastern countries to give a tip, also BACKSHEESH, BACKSHISH, BAKSHEESH, BAKSHISH, BUCKSHISH.
BASTARDISINGbastardising v. Present participle of bastardise.
BASTARDISE v. to make a bastard of, also BASTARDIZE.
BESTIALISINGbestialising v. Present participle of bestialise.
BESTIALISE v. to make bestial, also BESTIALIZE.
BIOGRAPHISESbiographises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of biographise.
BIOGRAPHISE v. to make the subject of a biography, also BIOGRAPHIZE.
BRATTISHINGSbrattishings n. Plural of brattishing.
BRATTISHING n. work in the form of brattices; cresting or ornamental work along a ridge.
ESTABLISHINGestablishing v. Present participle of establish.
establishing n. The act by which something is established; establishment.
ESTABLISH v. to settle or fix, also STABLISH.
OBSIGNATIONSobsignations n. Plural of obsignation.
OBSIGNATION n. the act of obsigning.
SAILBOATINGSSAILBOATING n. the sport of using a sailboat.
SCAMBAITINGSSCAMBAITING n. the practice of pretending to fall for online scams in order to waste the time of the perpetrators.
SUBIRRIGATESsubirrigates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of subirrigate.
SUBIRRIGATE v. to irrigate by underground pipes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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