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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing A, B, E, M, 2N and T

ABANDONMENTSabandonments n. Plural of abandonment.
ABANDONMENT n. the state of being abandoned.
ABSENTMINDEDabsentminded adj. Alternative form of absent-minded.
absent-minded adj. Absent in mind; often preoccupied; forgetful or careless due to distraction; easily distracted.
ABSENTMINDED adj. lost in thought and unaware of one's surroundings or actions.
AMINOBUTENESAMINOBUTENE n. a synthetic pain-relieving drug, less addictive than morphine.
BLANDISHMENTblandishment n. (Countable) Often in the plural form blandishments: a flattering speech or action designed to influence or persuade.
blandishment n. (Countable) Something alluring or attractive.
blandishment n. (Uncountable, figurative) Allurement, attraction.
CONTAMINABLEcontaminable adj. Capable of being contaminated.
CONTAMINABLE adj. able to be contaminated.
DISBANDMENTSdisbandments n. Plural of disbandment.
DISBANDMENT n. the act of disbanding.
EMBLAZONMENTemblazonment n. The act of emblazoning.
emblazonment n. The state of being emblazoned.
EMBLAZONMENT n. the act of emblazoning.
EMBRANCHMENTembranchment n. A branching forth or off, as of trees, an arm of a river, a spur of a mountain, etc.
EMBRANCHMENT n. branching out.
ENJAMBEMENTSenjambements n. Plural of enjambement.
ENJAMBEMENT n. (French) the continuation of a sentence from one line of a couplet to the next, also ENJAMBMENT.
ENTABLEMENTSentablements n. Plural of entablement.
ENTABLEMENT n. the platform of a pedestal, supporting a statue.
INTERMINABLEinterminable adj. Existing or occurring without interruption or end; ceaseless, unending.
interminable n. (Mathematics, dated) A repeating decimal.
INTERMINABLE adj. having or seeming to have no end.
INTERMINABLYinterminably adv. In an interminable manner; (seemingly) endlessly.
INTERMINABLE adv. having or seeming to have no end.
MAINTAINABLEmaintainable adj. (Chiefly in combination) Able to be maintained.
MAINTAINABLE adj. capable of being maintained.
MOUNTEBANKEDmountebanked v. Simple past tense and past participle of mountebank.
MOUNTEBANK v. to act as a mountebank.
NONCOMBATIVEnoncombative adj. Not combative.
NONCOMBATIVE adj. not combative.
RECOMBINANTSrecombinants n. Plural of recombinant.
RECOMBINANT n. a gene that recombines.
SUBMONTANELYSUBMONTANE adv. situated on or characteristic of the lower slopes of a mountain range.
UNAMBIVALENTunambivalent adj. Not ambivalent.
UNAMBIVALENT adj. not ambivalent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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