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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing A, B, D, R, S and 2T

ABSTRACTEDLYabstractedly adv. In an abstracted manner; separately; in the abstract.
abstractedly adv. With absence of mind.
ABSTRACTED adv. ABSTRACT, to draw away.
BASTARDLIESTBASTARDLY adj. like a bastard; baseborn; spurious.
BOOTSTRAPPEDbootstrapped v. Simple past tense and past participle of bootstrap.
BOOTSTRAP v. to prepare (a computer) for operation by causing an operating system to be loaded into its memory.
DEATTRIBUTESdeattributes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of deattribute.
DEATTRIBUTE v. to withdraw the attribution of e.g. a work of art or literature to a particular artist, writer, etc.
DISTRACTABLEdistractable adj. Alternative form of distractible.
DISTRACTABLE adj. that can be distracted, also DISTRACTIBLE.
DISTRACTIBLEdistractible adj. Capable of being distracted.
DISTRACTIBLE adj. that can be distracted, also DISTRACTABLE.
DISTRIBUTARYdistributary adj. That distributes.
distributary n. (Hydrology) A stream of water (either natural or artificial) that branches off and flows away from a…
DISTRIBUTARY n. a branch of a river that flows away from the main stream and does not rejoin it, as in a delta.
DISTURBATIVEdisturbative adj. (Chiefly archaic) Of, pertaining to, or causing the act of disturbing.
DISTURBATIVE adj. serving to disturb.
DITHYRAMBISTDITHYRAMBIST n. one who sings dithyrambic hymns.
FOOTBREADTHSfootbreadths n. Plural of footbreadth.
FOOTBREADTH n. the width of a foot.
INTURBIDATESinturbidates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of inturbidate.
INTURBIDATE v. to render turbid.
STRAIGHTBREDstraightbred adj. Produced by breeding from a single breed, variety or species.
straightbred n. Any organism produced by breeding from a single breed, variety, or species.
STRAIGHTBRED n. an animal produced by breeding a single breed, strain, or type.
SUBSATURATEDsubsaturated adj. Less than fully saturated.
SUBSATURATED adj. incompletely saturated.
TEETERBOARDSteeterboards n. Plural of teeterboard.
TEETERBOARD n. a seesaw; a board which throws one into the air when someone else jumps on the other end of it.
THREADBARESTthreadbarest adj. Superlative form of threadbare: most threadbare.
THREADBARE adj. having the nap worn off so that the thread shows.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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