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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing A, B, D, E, G, L and R

BALLADEERINGballadeering v. Present participle of balladeer.
BALLADEER v. to sing ballads.
BALLADMONGERballadmonger n. A seller or composer of ballads.
BALLADMONGER n. a dealer in or composer of ballads.
BATTLEGROUNDbattleground n. A location where a battle may be fought, or has been fought.
battleground n. (Figurative) Any place or situation of dispute or contention.
battleground n. (Figurative) Any subject of dispute or contention.
BESTRADDLINGbestraddling v. Present participle of bestraddle.
BESTRADDLE v. to bestride.
BIGHEARTEDLYbigheartedly adv. In a bighearted manner.
big-heartedly adv. Alternative form of bigheartedly.
BIGHEARTED adv. generous, charitable.
BLACKGUARDEDblackguarded v. Simple past tense and past participle of blackguard.
BLACKGUARD v. to vituperate; to portray as a scoundrel.
CHILDBEARINGchildbearing n. The process of giving birth; pregnancy and parturition.
childbearing adj. Of, pertaining to, or suitable for childbirth.
child-bearing adj. (With "years" or "age") Pertaining to the time between puberty and menopause when a woman is able to bear children.
DELIBERATINGdeliberating v. Present participle of deliberate.
DELIBERATE v. to think about or discuss issues and decisions carefully.
DESCRAMBLINGdescrambling v. Present participle of descramble.
DESCRAMBLE v. to unscramble.
DIAGRAMMABLEdiagrammable adj. Capable of being diagrammed.
DIAGRAMMABLE adj. capable of being diagrammed.
DIFFRANGIBLEdiffrangible adj. Able to be diffracted.
DIFFRANGIBLE adj. capable of being diffracted or separated.
DISAGREEABLEdisagreeable adj. Causing repugnance; unpleasant to the feelings or senses; displeasing.
disagreeable adj. (Archaic) Not suitable; that does not conform or fit.
disagreeable n. Something or someone displeasing; anything that is disagreeable.
DISAGREEABLYdisagreeably adv. In a disagreeable manner.
DISAGREEABLE adv. causing discomfort.
DISEMBRANGLEdisembrangle v. (Obsolete, transitive) To free from wrangling or litigation.
DISEMBRANGLE v. (obsolete) to free from dispute.
FIBERGLASSEDfiberglassed v. Simple past tense and past participle of fiberglass.
FIBERGLASS v. (US) to coat with fiberglass, a synthetic fibre made of fine filaments of molten glass, also FIBREGLASS.
FIBREGLASSEDfibreglassed adj. Alternative spelling of fiberglassed.
FIBREGLASS v. to protect or repair by applying fibreglass.
GALLBLADDERSgallbladders n. Plural of gallbladder.
gall␣bladders n. Plural of gall bladder.
GALLBLADDER n. a membranous muscular sac in which bile from the liver is stored.
GRADABLENESSGRADABLENESS n. the state of being gradable.
GRIDDLEBREADGRIDDLEBREAD n. bread made on a griddle.
UNBRIDGEABLEunbridgeable adj. Unable to be bridged or crossed; impossible to span.
UNBRIDGEABLE adj. that cannot be bridged.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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