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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 11 twelve-letter words containing A, B, C, M, N, O and P

BRONCHOSPASMbronchospasm n. (Medicine) difficulty in breathing due to a contraction of smooth muscle in the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles.
BRONCHOSPASM n. constriction of the air passages of the lung (as in asthma) by spasmodic contraction of the bronchial muscles.
COMPOUNDABLEcompoundable adj. That can be compounded.
COMPOUNDABLE adj. that can be compounded.
CONTEMPLABLEcontemplable adj. Contemplatable.
CONTEMPLABLE adj. able to be contemplated.
INCOMPARABLEincomparable adj. So much better than another as to be beyond comparison; matchless or unsurpassed.
incomparable adj. (Rare) Not able to be compared.
incomparable n. Something beyond compare; a thing with which there is no comparison.
INCOMPARABLYincomparably adv. In an incomparable manner.
INCOMPARABLE adv. eminent beyond comparison.
INCOMPATIBLEincompatible adj. Of two things: that cannot coexist; not congruous because of differences; unable to function together…
incompatible adj. (Chemistry) Incapable of being together without mutual reaction or decomposition, as certain medicines.
incompatible n. (Medicine, chemistry, chiefly in the plural) An incompatible substance; one of a group of things that…
INCOMPATIBLYincompatibly adv. In an incompatible manner.
INCOMPATIBLE adv. incapable of association or harmonious coexistence.
INCOMPUTABLEincomputable adj. Not computable; that cannot be computed, calculated or estimated.
INCOMPUTABLE adj. not computable.
INCOMPUTABLYincomputably adv. To an incomputable degree.
INCOMPUTABLE adv. not computable.
UNCOMPOSABLEuncomposable adj. Impossible to compose, or put together.
uncomposable adj. Incapable of being composed or reconciled.
UNCOMPOSABLE adj. that cannot be composed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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