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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing A, B, C, H, N, S and U

ANTIBACCHIUSantibacchius n. (Poetry) A rare metrical foot consisting of two accented syllables followed by one unaccented syllable.
ANTIBACCHIUS n. (Latin) a foot of two long (or stressed) syllables followed by a short (or unstressed) one.
BUCCANEERISHbuccaneerish adj. Like a buccaneer; piratical.
BUCCANEERISH adj. of or like a buccaneer.
BUNCHGRASSESbunchgrasses n. Plural of bunchgrass.
BUNCHGRASS n. a kind of West American grass, that grows in clumps.
BUSHWHACKINGbushwhacking n. Travelling through thick wooded country, cutting away scrub to make progress.
bushwhacking n. Fighting, as a guerilla, especially in wooded country.
bushwhacking n. Criticizing, by someone or a person(s), on policies and stances by George W. Bush, in forums and discussions.
CLUBMANSHIPSCLUBMANSHIP n. the state of being a clubman.
DEBAUCHMENTSdebauchments n. Plural of debauchment.
DEBAUCHMENT n. the act of debauching.
NONCRUSHABLEnoncrushable adj. Not crushable.
NONCRUSHABLE adj. not crushable.
SUBARACHNOIDsubarachnoid adj. (Anatomy, relational) Located or occurring below the arachnoid mater, often specifically between the…
SUBARACHNOID n. the space situated under the arachnoid membrane.
SUBHARMONICSsubharmonics n. Plural of subharmonic.
SUBHARMONIC n. a tone below a harmonic.
TURNBROACHESturnbroaches n. Plural of turnbroach.
TURNBROACH n. a turnspit.
UNCATCHABLESSorry, definition not available.
UNSEARCHABLEunsearchable adj. That cannot be investigated or searched into; unknowable, inscrutable.
unsearchable adj. That cannot be sought out or looked for.
unsearchable adj. (Computing, Internet) Not capable of being searched; on which one cannot perform a search.
UNSEARCHABLYunsearchably adv. So as to preclude searching.
UNSEARCHABLE adv. not capable of being searched or explored.
UNSTANCHABLEunstanchable adj. Incapable of being stopped or brought to a close; unstoppable.
unstanchable adj. Insatiable. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
UNSTANCHABLE adj. not stanchable.
UNTOUCHABLESuntouchables n. Plural of untouchable.
UNTOUCHABLE n. one that is untouchable, esp. a Hindu of very low caste.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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