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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 9 twelve-letter words containing A, B, C, H, L and 2R

BREECHLOADERbreechloader n. A variety of firearm in which the weapon is loaded from the breech (the end opposite that which discharges…
breech-loader n. Alternative spelling of breechloader.
BREECHLOADER n. a firearm that loads at the breech.
CHARBROILERScharbroilers n. Plural of charbroiler.
CHARBROILER n. an apparatus for charbroiling.
CHARBROILINGcharbroiling v. Present participle of charbroil.
CHARBROIL v. to broil over charcoal.
HARDSCRABBLEhardscrabble adj. (Of land) Requiring much work to farm, and ultimately not very productive.
hardscrabble adj. (By extension) Involving hard work and struggle.
hard-scrabble adj. Alternative form of hardscrabble.
RECHARGEABLErechargeable adj. Able to be recharged, especially of a battery that can be recharged from mains electricity via a charger.
rechargeable n. A device that may be recharged.
RECHARGEABLE adj. capable of being recharged.
REPROACHABLEreproachable adj. Deserving reproach.
reproachable adj. (Obsolete) Opprobrious; scurrilous; reproachful; abusive.
REPROACHABLE adj. worthy of reproach.
REPROACHABLYreproachably adv. In a reproachable manner.
REPROACHABLE adv. worthy of reproach.
RESEARCHABLEresearchable adj. That can be researched.
RESEARCHABLE adj. capable of being researched.
RETRENCHABLEretrenchable adj. Able to be retrenched.
RETRENCHABLE adj. able to be retrenched.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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