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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing A, B, C, 2E, M and T

ANTECHAMBERSantechambers n. Plural of antechamber.
ANTECHAMBER n. a chamber or room leading to a more important apartment.
BACTERAEMIASbacteraemias n. Plural of bacteraemia.
BACTERAEMIA n. the presence of bacteria in the blood, also BACTEREMIA.
BUTTERCREAMSbuttercreams n. Plural of buttercream.
butter␣creams n. Plural of butter cream.
BUTTERCREAM n. a kind of cream.
CABINETMAKERcabinetmaker n. A skilled woodworker who makes high-quality wooden furniture.
cabinet␣maker n. Alternative form of cabinetmaker.
CABINETMAKER n. a skilled woodworker who makes fine furniture.
CONTEMPLABLEcontemplable adj. Contemplatable.
CONTEMPLABLE adj. able to be contemplated.
CYTOMEMBRANEcytomembrane n. (Biology) A membrane found in cytoplasm.
CYTOMEMBRANE n. one of the cellular membranes including those of the plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear envelope, and Golgi apparatus.
DEBAUCHMENTSdebauchments n. Plural of debauchment.
DEBAUCHMENT n. the act of debauching.
DOCUMENTABLEdocumentable adj. Capable of being supported by documentary evidence.
DOCUMENTABLE adj. capable of being documented.
DOMESTICABLEdomesticable adj. Capable of being domesticated; tameable.
DOMESTICABLE adj. capable of being domesticated.
EMBLEMATICALemblematical adj. Emblematic.
EMBLEMATICAL adj. of, relating to, or constituting an emblem, also EMBLEMATIC.
EMBRACEMENTSembracements n. Plural of embracement.
EMBRACEMENT n. an embrace; an undertaking.
EMBRANCHMENTembranchment n. A branching forth or off, as of trees, an arm of a river, a spur of a mountain, etc.
EMBRANCHMENT n. branching out.
LUMBERJACKETlumberjacket n. A lumberjack shirt.
lumber␣jacket n. Alternative spelling of lumberjacket.
LUMBERJACKET n. a man's jacket, usually in bold-patterned heavy material.
MERCHANTABLEmerchantable adj. Fit for the market, i.e. suitable for selling for an ordinary price. Sometimes, this is a technical…
MERCHANTABLE adj. of commercially acceptable quality.
SABERMETRICSsabermetrics n. (US) The analysis of baseball, especially via its statistics.
Sabermetrics n. Alternative letter-case form of sabermetrics.
SABERMETRICS n. the statistical analysis of baseball data.
UNCOMEATABLEuncomeatable adj. That cannot be come at; unreachable, inaccessible, unattackable.
UNCOMEATABLE adj. inaccessible; out of reach, also UNCOMATABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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