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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing 2A, O, P and 3R

APPROPRIATORappropriator n. A person who appropriates something.
appropriator n. The religious organization that owns the income of a benefice.
APPROPRIATOR n. one who appropriates.
ARTHROGRAPHYarthrography n. (Medicine) An arthrogram.
arthrography n. (Dated, uncountable, medicine) The scientific description of joints.
ARTHROGRAPHY n. the X-ray examination of a joint after injection of a contrast medium into the joint space.
CARTOGRAPHERcartographer n. One who makes maps or charts.
CARTOGRAPHER n. one who makes maps, also CHARTOGRAPHER.
PARATROOPERSparatroopers n. Plural of paratrooper.
PARATROOPER n. a member of the paratroops.
PREVARICATORprevaricator n. One who prevaricates.
prevaricator n. (Historical) An orator at the University of Cambridge fulfilling a similar function to the terrae filius at Oxford.
PREVARICATOR n. one who prevaricates.
PYROTARTARICpyrotartaric adj. (Chemistry) of, or relating to pyrotartaric acid or its derivatives.
PYROTARTARIC adj. as in pyrotartaric acid.
PYROTARTRATEpyrotartrate n. (Organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of pyrotartaric acid.
PYROTARTRATE n. a salt of tartaric acid.
RADIOGRAPHERradiographer n. Someone who works with radiography. This term seems to be more common in British English.
RADIOGRAPHER n. one who practises radiography.
REPATRIATORSrepatriators n. Plural of repatriator.
REPATRIATOR n. one who repatriates.
SCRAPERBOARDscraperboard n. (Art) scratchboard.
SCRAPERBOARD n. a clay-surface board on which drawings can be made by scraping tints off as well as applying them.
SPARROWFARTSSPARROWFART n. (colloquial) the very early morning.
SPARROWGRASSsparrowgrass n. (Dialect, nonstandard) Asparagus.
sparrow-grass n. Alternative form of sparrowgrass.
sparrow␣grass n. Alternative form of sparrowgrass.
URANOGRAPHERuranographer n. One who carries out uranography.
URANOGRAPHER n. one who maps the constellations.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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