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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing 2A, 3N, R and T

ANNUNCIATORSannunciators n. Plural of annunciator.
ANNUNCIATOR n. one who annunciates.
ANNUNCIATORYannunciatory adj. In the nature of an announcement.
ANNUNCIATORY adj. relating to annunciation.
ANTIANDROGENantiandrogen n. (Biochemistry, pharmacology) Any substance that inhibits the release or the biological effects of an androgen.
ANTIANDROGEN n. a substance that tends to inhibit the production, activity, or effects of a male sex hormone.
CENTENARIANScentenarians n. Plural of centenarian.
CENTENARIAN n. a person who is over one hundred years old.
CONTRANATANTCONTRANATANT adj. swimming upstream.
INCARNATIONSincarnations n. Plural of incarnation.
INCARNATION n. the embodiment of a deity or spirit in some earthly form.
INTRAMUNDANEintramundane adj. Within the material world.
INTRAMUNDANE adj. within the world.
NONMANDATORYnonmandatory adj. Not mandatory.
NONMANDATORY adj. not mandatory.
NONNARRATIVEnonnarrative adj. Not narrative in character or style.
nonnarrative n. That which is not a narrative.
NONNARRATIVE adj. not narrative.
NONPARTISANSnonpartisans n. Plural of nonpartisan.
NONSECTARIANnonsectarian adj. Not sectarian.
nonsectarian adj. Of or pertaining to nonsectarianism.
nonsectarian n. One who is not a sectarian.
NONSTANDARDSnonstandards n. Plural of nonstandard.
NOTHINGARIANnothingarian n. A person of no particular beliefs.
NOTHINGARIAN n. a person who has no particular belief.
QUARANTININGquarantining v. Present participle of quarantine.
QUARANTINE v. to detain in or exclude by quarantine.
RATAPLANNINGrataplanning v. Present participle of rataplan.
RATAPLAN v. to make a rapidly repeating sound, as on a drum.
REANNEXATIONreannexation n. The act of reannexing.
REANNEXATION n. the act of reannexing.
TRANSMONTANEtransmontane adj. Of or relating to the other side of the mountains.
TRANSMONTANE n. (Italian) a cold north wind in Italy, also TRAMONTANA, TRAMONTANE.
TRANSMUNDANEtransmundane adj. Occurring beyond the physical world.
TRANSMUNDANE adj. not belonging to this world, out of, beyond, this world.
TRANSURANIANTRANSURANIAN adj. of an element, having an atomic number greater than that of uranium, also TRANSURANIUM.
UNORNAMENTALunornamental adj. Not ornamental.
UNORNAMENTAL adj. not ornamental.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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