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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing 2A, L, N and 3T

ANTICATALYSTanticatalyst n. Any substance that inhibits the activity of a catalyst.
ANTICATALYST n. a substance that destroys or diminishes the activity of a catalyst.
ANTILITERATEantiliterate adj. Opposed to literacy or literature.
ANTILITERATE adj. opposed to literacy.
ANTIPLATELETantiplatelet adj. (Immunology) Working against or destroying blood platelets.
antiplatelet n. A drug that destroys blood platelets.
ANTITHETICALantithetical adj. Pertaining to antithesis, or opposition of words and sentiments; containing, or of the nature of, antithesis;…
ANTITHETICAL adj. relating to antithesis, also ANTITHETIC.
ATTRACTINGLYattractingly adv. In such a way as to attract.
ATTRACTING adv. ATTRACT, to cause to approach or adhere.
MALTREATMENTmaltreatment n. Cruel or harmful treatment or abuse; mistreatment.
MALTREATMENT n. ill treatment.
MANTELLETTASmantellettas n. Plural of mantelletta.
MANTELLETTA n. a sleeveless knee-length vestment, worn by cardinals, bishops, etc.
SALTATIONISTsaltationist n. In evolutionary biology, one who believes in saltationism.
SALTATIONIST n. someone who supports saltationism as a theory.
TATTLETALINGtattletaling v. Present participle of tattletale.
TATTLETALE v. to tell tales.
TETRACTINALSTETRACTINAL n. a sponge spicule having four rays, also TETRACTINE.
TETRAPOLITANtetrapolitan adj. Relating to a tetrapolis, or group of four towns; applied to the Tetrapolitan Confession.
TETRAPOLITAN adj. relating to a tetrapolis, a group of four towns.
TETRAVALENTSTETRAVALENT n. a compound having a valency of four.
TOTALISATIONtotalisation n. Alternative form of totalization.
TOTALISATION n. the act of totalising, also TOTALIZATION.
TOTALITARIANtotalitarian adj. Of or relating to a system of government where the people have virtually no authority and the state…
totalitarian n. An advocate of totalitarianism.
TOTALITARIAN n. an advocate or practitioner of totalitarianism.
TOTALIZATIONtotalization n. The act of totalizing, or state of being totalized.
TOTALIZATION n. the act of totalizing, also TOTALISATION.
TRANSMITTALStransmittals n. Plural of transmittal.
TRANSMITTAL n. the act of transmitting.
ULTRADISTANTultradistant adj. Extremely distant.
ULTRADISTANT adj. extremely distant.
UNSTATUTABLEunstatutable adj. Not statutable.
UNSTATUTABLE adj. contrary to statute.
UNSTATUTABLYunstatutably adv. In an unstatutable manner.
UNSTATUTABLE adv. contrary to statute.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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