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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 10 twelve-letter words containing 2A, L, M, O and 2P

AMPELOGRAPHYampelography n. (Botany) The discipline within botany concerned with the taxonomy of cultivars in the grapevine genus, Vitis.
AMPELOGRAPHY n. the study of grapevines.
APOCALYPTISMapocalyptism n. Apocalypticism.
APOCALYPTISM n. the doctrine of the imminent end of the world, also APOCALYPTICISM.
MALAPROPISMSmalapropisms n. Plural of malapropism.
MALAPROPISM n. a humorous misuse of a word, also MALAPROP.
MALAPROPISTSmalapropists n. Plural of malapropist.
MALAPROPIST n. one who commits malapropisms.
PARALIPOMENAparalipomena n. (Literary analysis) The different text variants or text witnesses researched when creating a critical edition.
paralipomena n. Supplementary literary material.
PARALIPOMENON n. a thing added as a supplement to a main text, also PARALEIPOMENON.
PHRAGMOPLASTphragmoplast n. (Biology) A structure that forms in plant cells during late cytokinesis and serves as a scaffold for…
PHRAGMOPLAST n. the enlarged barrel-shaped spindle that is characteristic of the later stages of plant mitosis and within which the cell plate forms.
PHYTOPLASMASphytoplasmas n. Plural of phytoplasma.
PIROPLASMATApiroplasmata n. Plural of piroplasma.
PIROPLASMA n. a parasite causing cattle fever, aka babesia, also PIROPLASM.
POLYPHARMACYpolypharmacy n. (Medicine) The use of multiple drugs to treat multiple concurrent disorders in the same (now especially…
POLYPHARMACY n. treatment with many medicines for same disease.
PROTOPLASMALprotoplasmal adj. (Cytology) Of or relating to protoplasm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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