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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 9 twelve-letter words containing 2A, L, 2M, T and U

CALCEAMENTUMcalceamentum n. (Historical) A red silk embroidered sandal forming part of the insignia of the Holy Roman Empire.
CALCEAMENTUM n. (Latin) a red silk embroidered sandal forming part of the insignia of the Holy Roman Empire.
EPITHALAMIUMepithalamium n. A song or poem celebrating a marriage.
EPITHALAMIUM n. a lyric ode in honor of a bride and bridegroom, also EPITHALAMION.
FLAMMULATIONflammulation n. (Zoology) flame-like markings.
FLAMMULATION n. flamelike marking.
IMMACULATELYimmaculately adv. In an immaculate manner; in a manner free of stain or blemish; without being defiled.
immaculately adv. In a manner free of error; in a perfect or flawless manner.
IMMACULATE adv. having no stain or blemish.
PALUDAMENTUMpaludamentum n. (Historical, Ancient Rome) A military cloak worn by a general and his principal officers.
PALUDAMENTUM n. a Roman general's or high military officer's cloak, also PALUDAMENT.
PROTHALAMIUMprothalamium n. Alternative form of prothalamion.
PROTHALAMIUM n. (Spenser) a song in honour of a marriage, also PROTHALAMION.
RHEUMATISMALrheumatismal adj. (Archaic, medicine) Of or pertaining to rheumatism; rheumatic.
RHEUMATISMAL adj. relating to rheumatism.
SOMNAMBULANTsomnambulant adj. Walking as if, or while, asleep; sleepwalking.
somnambulant n. A sleepwalker.
SOMNAMBULANT adj. having the habit of walking while asleep.
SOMNAMBULATEsomnambulate v. (Intransitive) To walk while sleeping.
SOMNAMBULATE v. to walk when asleep.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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